Menu descriptions - helicopter – HITEC Optic 6 User Manual
Page 28

Menu Descriptions - Helicopter
Menu Descriptions - Helicopter
Revolution Mixing Programming
1. Call up the revolution mixing screen by repeatedly pressing
one of the Up Down Edit buttons until the RVMX window
appears. The function is active with 0% mixing turned on.
Put the throttle stick to its idle position.
Swashplate Programming
1. Consult your model's setup instructions. If three servos are
needed to move the swashplate in a 120° CCPM set-up,
go to the model setup instructions (page 21) and select the
120° swash type.
2. With all the servos hooked up, and the transmitter and
receiver turned on, move the throttle/collective stick up and
down. The swash should move up and down with no
rotations. Move the aileron stick left and right. The swash
should tilt left and right without pitching or rising. Move the
elevator stick. The swash should tilt fore and aft with no
rotations. If there are rotations when collective is moved, or
the swash moves up and down with aileron or elevator, you
need to adjust the settings in the swash menu.
3. If the servos do not all respond in the same direction for
collective or opposite directions for aileron and elevator, you
will need to reverse one or more of them in the reversing
menu (REV). It may take a little trial and error trying different
combinations of normal and reverse rotation to get the servos
to respond properly. Don't worry about the direction they
respond, just that they all move the same for collective and
tilt for aileron and elevator.
2. Now press the Data +Increase key. This will increase the
percentage of RVMX mixing for the low side of throttle. You
may set a value of 0% to 100% for this side. If you wish to
return the mixing percentage to the default 0% value, press
the Active/Inhibit (Clear) key.
3. Move the throttle stick to a position above half-throttle, and
change the percentage number to suit.
4. Now verify that the rudder responds both the correct
direction and amount for travel on both sides when throttle is
5. Set up the RVMX values for the other flight conditions (ST1,
ST2) by flipping the Flt. Mode (SW-3) switch and repeating
these procedures.
See the instructions on page 41.
RVMX - Revolution mixing
FAIL - Failsafe
The swashplate menu is intended only for helicopters whose
collective pitch is controlled by more than a single servo at a
time, and is sometimes referred to as CCPM (Collective &
Cyclic Pitch Mixing). The Optic contains settings for 120°
swashplates. Consult your model's setup instructions to find
out whether you need special swash settings.
The swashplate menu is used to control the response of all
three collective servos as a group. It should NOT be used for
reversing or individual servo travel adjustment. Perform these
settings in the REV and EPA menus respectively.
When you move the collective stick, all swashplate servos
should move in the same direction and the same amount to lift
or drop the swashplate without tilting. If the swashplate should
tilt to one side when you command collective, one or more
servos is moving the wrong direction or the wrong amount, and
must be adjusted in the SWAH menu. If the swashplate moves
down when pitch should be increasing or vice versa, change
the sign in front of all three servos from (+) to (-) or vice versa.
Note that there is no SWAH menu when the NOR menu is
selected, but the 120° swash type does contain the SWAH
menu. The swash default settings are shown below.
SWAH - Swashplate adjust (120
swash only)
The Hovering Throttle lever may be used to adjust the throttle
servo's position around hover without affecting main rotor pitch.
It's handy to make up for changes in rotor speed caused by
variations in temperature, humidity, or other conditions. To
change the hovering throttle setting, simply move the Hovering
throttle lever (Left Lever) to get the desired setting. As shown
in the figure, moving the lever has the largest effect in the
hovering region and leaves the endpoints alone. Center this
lever before you set neutrals or input throttle curves.
Hovering Throttle Adjustment Lever
(Pilot Control)
The Hovering Pitch lever may be used to trim the collective
pitch servo(s) near hover without affecting throttle. Like
hovering throttle, it's handy to make up for changes in rotor
speed caused by variations in temperature, humidity, or other
conditions. You can adjust the hovering pitch value simply by
moving the Hovering pitch lever (Right Lever). Like hovering
throttle, this lever only works near hover and tapers off at either
end of throttle. Center this lever before you set neutrals or
input throttle curves.
Hovering Pitch Adjustment Lever
(Pilot Control)
4. Call up the swash screen by repeatedly pressing one of the
Up Down Edit buttons until the SWAH window appears.
The function is automatically active when you select 120'
mixing in the model setup menu.
5. If all the servos raise the swash with increasing collective,
go to the next step. If they lower the swash, press the
Cursor Right key twice to get to the collective setting menu
(the arrow appears over the number 6). Now press the Data
-Decrease key until the sign is reversed in front of the
percentage value. Now the swash should properly respond
to collective. If you've done the wrong thing, you can reset
the percentage by pressing the Active/Inhibit (Clear) key.
6. If all the servos tilt the swash to the right with right aileron
stick, go to the next step. If they tilt the swash to the left,
press the Cursor Right key once to get to the aileron setting
menu (the arrow appears over the number 1). Reverse the
sign in front of the percentage with the Data -Decrease key.
Now the swash should properly respond to aileron.
7. If all the servos tilt the swash aft with up elevator stick, go to
the next step. If they tilt the swash forwards, press the
Cursor Right key once to get to the elevator setting menu
(the arrow appears over the number 2). Now press the
Data -Decrease key until the sign is reversed in front of the
percentage value. Now the swash should properly respond
to elevator.
8. Double check that all three functions, collective, aileron, and
elevator, produce the desired result on the swashplate. Do
not set any SWAH values to 0% or you will disable the
response to that control!
Changing the
HV-T value
moves the
throttle response
above or below
the straight line
Throttle Stick Motion
Changing the
Hovering Pitch
value moves the
pitch response
above or below
the straight line
Throttle Stick Motion
Menu Descriptions - Helicopter - Page 55
Menu Descriptions - Helicopter - Page 54
The revolution mixing function mixes pitch commands into
rudder (pitch rudder) in order to suppress the torque
generated by changes in the main rotor's pitch angle and
rotational speed. You can input independent values for
revolution mixing above and below one-half throttle for each of
the NOR, ST1, and ST2 flight conditions. Revolution mixing is
disabled whenever throttle hold (ST3, operated by switch
SW -1) is on.
For a clockwise-turning rotor, revolution mixing should apply
right rudder when pitch is increased; for a counterclockwise-
turning rotor, the opposite should occur. Remember to set the
value for both sides of the throttle stick's motion.
Revolution mixing has no preprogrammed values input at the
start. You will need to input values for your helicopter as
described in the setup example.
Note: A procedure for adjusting revolution mixing is given in a
table on page 56.
CH1 +70%, CH2 +70%,CH6 +70%
No SWAH menu