HITEC Optic 6 User Manual
Page 11
Simple Transmitter Setup - Aerobatic Airplane (ACGL Menu)
Simple Transmitter Setup - Aerobatic Airplane (ACGL Menu)
41. To set the FULL throttle position, move the throttle stick all
the way to the transmitter top and hold it. The letters "R/D"
should appear next to the flashing percent sign. [Notice
that the Optic transmitter thinks of throttle stick positions to
the reverse of the way it seems, in that with the throttle
stick fully forwards - "up" towards the transmitter top, is the
Down position.] Listen for a buzzing sound to indicate the
servo is stalling, and hit the -Decrease Data key until the
buzzing stops. If the servo is not buzzing, leave the setting
at 100% or change your linkage as necessary to fully open
the throttle.
42. To set the RIGHT rudder motion, press the Right Cursor
key until the indicator moves over channel 4. Now move
the left stick all the way to the right and hold it.
The letters "R/D" should appear next to the flashing
percent sign. Listen for a buzzing sound to indicate the
rudder servo is stalling, and hit the Data -Decrease key
until the buzzing stops. If the servo is not buzzing, leave
the setting at 100%. You may wish to increase or decrease
this number depending on how strongly the model reacts
when the rudder is deflected. Now move the stick to the
left side, and repeat the setting procedure for left rudder.
43. In the same manner as described above, be sure to set
EPA values for channels 5 (landing gear) and 6 (second
aileron), if you have either.
44. If you wish to have the flaps operate with the CH6 lever,
go back to the FLPT menu and input a number greater
than zero. Adjust the number to get the desired amount of
flap travel as you turn the lever.
47. You can use the dual rate function or the exponential
function to reduce the aileron and elevator travel in flight by
flipping switches. Dual rates are typically used to reduce a
model's sensitivity and cut down total travel. Exponential
functions make the response slower around center and
larger away from center.
You can use both but they are activated by the same switch.
You may wish to use Dual rate on one side of the switch
and exponential on the other.
48. Aileron Dual Rate setting. Get to the D/R menu by
pressing one of the Up Down Edit buttons repeatedly until
D/R appears, as shown.
49. The aileron dual rate setting automatically affects both
ailerons if the flaperon function is active. To set the aileron
dual rate, move the arrow by pressing the Right Cursor
key until the little arrow is under or over the numeral 1 (the
arrow depends on the position of the Ail D/R switch above
the right stick. Now move the aileron D/R switch up or
down, noticing the position of the arrow. You can set two
dual rates, one for each switch position. If you set them,
be sure to note which switch position turns them on.
50. By pressing the Data +Increase or -Decrease keys, you
can add or subtract from the numerical value displayed.
Note that you may pick a value anywhere from 0% to 125%
(125% is larger than the normal amount, so if you do this
be careful not to exceed servo travel limits and cause
stalling or excess current drain). If you quickly want to get
back to the default 100%, press the Clear key. We suggest
using an initial value of 75%.
NOTE: if you set any of the dual rates to 0%, you will have
YOUR AIRCRAFT when the switch is in that position.
52. Elevator dual rate setting: press the Right Cursor key
one time to get the little arrows above or below the
numeral 2. Now set the elevator dual rates in the same
way you set the ailerons in the previous step.
53. Rudder dual rate setting: press the Right Cursor key one
time to get the little arrows above or below the numeral 4.
Now set the rudder dual rates in the same way you set the
ailerons and elevator in the previous steps.
54. Landing setup. You can get an airbrake effect by flipping
a switch to raise or lower both flaperons and add elevator
to keep it trimmed. This high-drag configuration makes the
landing approach steeper to help make safe landings in
small fields. This is an on-off function, not proportional.
55. With landing mode on, it is possible to lose some aileron
effectiveness. Be sure to test the landing settings at altitude
before trying it on a landing approach. You should spend
some time fine-adjusting the elevator travel so that there is
minimal trim change when the landing (Flt. Mode (SW-4))
switch is operated.
56. Press one of the Up Down Edit buttons until the LAND
window appears, as shown. The landing mode is OFF
unless the Flt. Mode (SW-4) switch (upper left of transmitter)
is fully aft (away from you).
61. Throttle Cut. The TCUT function allows you to kill the
engine by pressing on the ENG CUT pushbutton on the top
right of the transmitter, commanding the throttle servo to
move to a preset position. If you use the TCUT function,
you'll never need to adjust the trim on your engine after
you've got a good idle position! For safety, the TCUT
feature only operates if the throttle stick is below its 50%
position. After about 3-5 seconds, the throttle servo
responds to throttle stick.
To set up TCUT, get to the TCUT menu. Now you may input
the amount of throttle servo motion using the Data
+Increase key. Choose a small negative number, which
will command the throttle servo to close the carburetor
below its idle position. If the engine doesn't quit when you
press the cut button, increase the negative percentage. Be
careful not to choose a position which stalls the servo.
62. CAMBER. You can use the CAMB function to configure
your model to droop its ailerons and flaps to get higher lift
for takeoff and landing. The camber function may be turned
on and off with a switch, and you may also add elevator
offset to keep the model trimmed. Camber is an on-off
function, not proportional. To set up camber, please read
the setup instructions on page 33.
63. Ailevator. You may use the AILV for models that have two
elevator servos to automatically gang them together for
elevator function without using a programmable mixer. In
addition, you may program in a response to aileron
Commands, which allows you to use them for 3-D maneuvers
such as torque rolls. The AILV function cannot be switched
on and off during flight. For more information on AILV,
please read the setup instructions on page 39.
64. Aileron differential (ADIF) is a function that allows you to
Individually set the up and down motion of ailerons
controlled by two separate aileron servos. The two servos
must be plugged into channels 1 and 5, so this function is
he best way to control a two-servo model using a five-
channel receiver.
You cannot activate both ADIF and FLPN functions, you
must choose one or the other. We recommend using FLPN
for receivers with six channels and ADIF for receivers with
five channels. For instructions on how to use ADIF, please
refer to the setup instructions on page 31.
57. The arrow should be over the numeral 2. Now press the
Data +Increase key to change the percentage shown. You
may input the amount of offset for the elevator at this time.
This should be set from -7% to -10%. Don't use too much
or it could crash your model.
58. Press the Cursor Right key one more time, and you may
now input the CH6 setting. The rates may vary
considerably for different models, but for initial settings you
might try the flap rate around 50-55%. You may want flaps
to droop or rise, depending on the model type.
59. E->F Mixing: you may couple or mix elevator to flaps for
tighter corners in the elevator-to-flap mixer. Get to the
E->F menu, then activate it by pressing the Clear key.
Press the Right Cursor key to get the percent symbol to
flash. Now you may input the percentage of mixing with
the Data +Increase key. Start out with 10-20% and
increase it until the corners in your loops are square
enough. If the flaps don't drop when you pull up elevator,
reverse the sign in front of the mix percentage
(change the + to a - or vice versa).
45. If you wish to have differential aileron travel, this can be
done in the flaperon menu. First, we'll reduce the down
travel on the right aileron. Press the Right Cursor key
until the little triangles are both above and below the
numeral 1. Hold the aileron stick to the left and press the
-Decrease Data key until the number is smaller. 50-75% is
a good starting point. Watch to be sure you're setting the
down travel on the right aileron.
46. Next, we'll reduce the down travel on the left aileron.
Press the Right Cursor key until the little triangle moves
below the numeral 6 (the second aileron; the upper triangle
should stay over the number 1). This time, hold the aileron
stick to the right and press the -Decrease Data key until
the number is the same as you chose for the other side.
Upper arrow
indicates upper
D/R switch setting
Lower arrow
indicates lower
switch setting
depends on Flt.
Mode switch setting
depends on Flt.
Mode switch setting
60. Be sure to input a mixing percentage for each side of the
elevator stick motion.
Simple Transmitter Setup - Aerobatic Airplane (ACGL Menu) - Page 21
Simple Transmitter Setup - Aerobatic Airplane (ACGL Menu) - Page 20