Dillon Precision SL 900 User Manual

Page 32

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When it’s time to switch to another shot size,

place a plastic container or coffee can next to the shot

dispenser drain. Rotate the plastic shot drain with

your index finger and hold it there until all the shot

has emptied. Any remaining shot in the shot bar

(#16738) and dispenser can be removed by running a

hull through the machine. Fig. 65

Example: you’ve just finished making some rounds

using #9 lead shot, the next size you’ll be using is #7

1/2 lead shot. Remember to always weigh the shot

charge when doing this switch. Please use a quality

scale. Fig. 66
Removing the Toolhead:

One of the great features on a Dillon machine is

the removable toolhead (#16667). The removable

toolhead (#16667) allows you to convert from one

hull brand to another hull brand or another caliber in

a matter of minutes. Let’s use the following steps to

remove and install a toolhead (#16667) on the SL 900


1. Empty all the shot from the shot hopper

(#16724) and clear tube via the shot drain.

2. Remove the shot fitting e-clip and the shot

fitting from the shot dispenser top (#17142). Fig. 67

3. Remove the shot bar return rod (#16733).

Fig. 68

4. Remove the powder bar return rod (#17350).

Fig. 69

5. Remove the two toolhead pins (#14008) located

on the front and rear of the toolhead and frame.



6. Slide the toolhead assembly out of the machine

and set it aside.


Fig. 68

Fig. 69

Fig. 70

Fig. 67

Fig. 66

SL 900, May 2007 5/21/07 11:51 AM Page 32