ADLINK PCI-8158 User Manual

Page 109

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position1<->position2). It is only effective when “Relative
Mode” or “Absolute Mode” is selected.

11.Vel. Profile: Select the velocity profile. Both Trapezoidal

and S-Curve are available for “Absolute Mode,” “Relative
Mode,” and “Cont. Move.”

12.FA Speed/ATU: Sets the configurations of the FA

Speed. The related function calls are
_8158_set_fa_speed().If the check box “ATU” is
checked, it will execute auto homing when motion starts.

13.Motion Parameters: Set the parameters for single axis

motion. This parameter is meaningless if “Manual Pulse
Move” is selected, since the velocity and moving dis-
tance is decided by pulse input.


Start Velocity: Set the start velocity of motion in units of
PPS. In “Absolute Mode” or “Relative Mode,” only the
value is effective. For example, -100.0 is the same as
100.0. In “Cont. Move,” both the value and sign are
effective. –100.0 means 100.0 in the minus direction.


Maximum Velocity: Set the maximum velocity of motion
in units of PPS. In “Absolute Mode” or “Relative Mode,”
only the value is effective. For example, -5000.0 is the
same as 5000.0. In “Cont. Move,” both the value and
sing is effective. –5000.0 means 5000.0 in the minus


Accel. Time: Set the acceleration time in units of sec-


Decel. Time: Set the deceleration time in units of sec-


SVacc: Set the S-curve range during acceleration in
units of PPS.


SVdec: Set the S-curve range during deceleration in
units of PPS.


Move Delay: This setting is effective only when repeat
mode is set “On.” It will cause the 8158 to delay for a
specified time before it continues to the next motion.