USL JSD-100 Manual User Manual
Page 31

4. On the Stage Output tab, slide all the level controls to minimum level.
5. Turn the power amplifier gains all the way down.
6. Set the JSD‐100 fader to 7.0.
7. Under the X‐Overs tab, press the Speaker button and select the desired speaker from the speaker library.
8. Under the Stage Outputs tab, select pink noise and press the Gen button for the left channel.
9. Turn up the amplifier gains as far as possible without exceeding 85dB SPL in the auditorium.
10. On the X‐Overs tab, press the View button to make the RTA display visible.
11. Adjust the RTA Gain (control becomes visible when cursor over graph area) until the RTA results become
visible on the RTA display.
12. Adjust the band gains as necessary for the flattest RTA response possible.
13. If there appears to be a notch in the response at the crossover frequencies, try pressing a Invert button to
switch the phase on that band.
14. Press Copy and copy the crossover settings to each of the other screen channels.
15. Go back to the Stage Output tab, turn off the generator on the left channel and turn it on for the next channel.
Repeat the above process for each channel.
16. If the output board is a 16 channel analog board and internal crossovers are being used, apply an external pink
noise source to left, center, or right channels of a JSD‐100 input. This may be an AES generator such as the USL
DAT‐100, an analog pink noise generator, or test content that has pink noise.
17. Set the rear panel DIP switches according to the following table:
18. On the X‐overs tab, press the Bypass button to put the JSD‐100 in bypass.
19. Use the rear panel trim pots to adjust the low, mid, and high band gains as required for a relatively flat
response as shown on the RTA. Remember that the front panel fader also adjusts the overall output level, so it
may be necessary to adjust that control up.
20. Take the system out of bypass by pressing the Bypass button on the X‐Overs tab again.
Equalization Adjustment
A suggested procedure of equalizing a channel is listed below. Your theater may use a modified or different
1. Position the RTA microphone in the auditorium as specified by SMPTE ST 202:2010 (about 2/3 of the way back
from the screen and 2/3 of the way from a side wall of the auditorium). The microphone is normally 1.0 to 1.2
meters (3.3 to 4.0 feet) from the floor, or “ear level” for a typical audience member.
2. Plug the microphone in to the PA or CAL microphone input of the JSD‐100. Set the RTA input to the
appropriate microphone input.
3. On the Equalizer tab, press the Curve File button and select the appropriate curve file (such as x‐curve 150
seats.txt). This sets the limit lines on the RTA display.
4. Set the front panel fader level to 7.0.
5. Turn amplifier gains all the way down. Move the gain control on the equalizer all the way down. This adjusts
the “output trim” on the channel that is being adjusted. There are separate output trims for each audio
output. Note, however, that the individual channel output trims are in common to all the equalizer sets.
Adjusting the gain control on equalizer set 2 also adjusts it on equalizer set 1.
6. Select the channel to be equalized, pink noise, and generator to send pink noise out the appropriate output of
the JSD‐100.
7. Slowly increase the power amplifier gain to full while watching an SPL meter at the RTA microphone position.
Do not increase the level above 85dB SPL.
Speaker Configuration
Biamp 330Hz crossover ON
Biamp 1kHz Crossover
Full Range