USL JSD-100 Manual User Manual
Page 22

data for the JSD‐100. Since the JSD‐100 uses UTC time, the displayed time is UTC. If the system is using an NTP
server, you do not need to set the date and time (NTP configuration is on the Global tab). If no NTP server is
available, set the date and time to the current UTC time. The bottom portion of the dialog box deals with the date
and time at the JSD‐100 itself. Set the Time Zone field to the offset from UTC for standard time in the time zone
where the JSD‐100 is located. If daylight saving time (summer time) is observed at the JSD‐100 location, check the
corresponding checkbox. Note that this checkbox indicates whether daylight saving time is ever observed at this
location, not whether it is currently in effect. For example, you would check the checkbox in California, but
uncheck it in Arizona. Fill the next two fields with the abbreviations for standard time and daylight saving time in
the time zone where the JSD‐100 is located. The daylight saving time abbreviation will not be used if the daylight
saving time observed checkbox is unchecked, but you may want to fill it in anyway. Clicking OK transmits the data
to the JSD‐100.
US Time Zone
UTC Offset
Standard Time Abbreviation
Daylight Saving Time Abbreviation
Note: Worldwide time zones may be viewed at the following websites:
Channel Config
Use Channel Config to configure the JSD‐100 based on the speaker configuration in the
auditorium. Note that crossovers and 13.1 will not be available on systems with the 8
channel output card. On these 8 channel output systems, the last pair of channels can be
configured for a 7.1SDDS installation, which has Lc and Rc speakers. These last two
channels could alternatively drive rear surround speakers (Lrs and Rrs) by choosing 7.1DS.
With the 16 channel analog or 32 channel AES output boards, biamp, triamp, and 13.1
speaker configurations are available. See section 4.3 for a speaker location chart for
various “soundfield configurations”.
The headroom setting adjusts the system gain so the nominal level is a specified number
of dB below the digital clipping level (0 dBFS). Generally, headroom is set at 26dB. If
several bands of equalization are set to high levels of boost, you may wish to increase the
headroom to avoid clipping.
Pressing this button writes the current configuration to the SD or MMC card plugged in behind the removable
panel on the rear of the JSD‐100. If the cover is removed, you will see a red LED to the left of the card light as the
card is written. A backup to the SD card can fail if no card is present, if the card is write protected, or if the card is
not formatted correctly (FAT16 or FAT32). The data written on the card is a series of commands in a text file
(JSD100.CFG). If a JSD‐100 needs to be swapped out, the SD/MMC card can be moved from the old unit to the new
unit to copy all the old settings to the new unit. To load data from the SD/MMC card, hold down buttons 9 and 10
(AUX and MIC) when turning the JSD‐100 main power switch on. Continue to hold the buttons down until the
display says “Loading From SD Card”. The display will show the progress of the load and then return to the normal