USL JSD-100 Manual User Manual
Page 23

Main Fader
The current main fader level can be viewed and changed using the slider. These are equivalent to the front panel
main fader knob and display. The fader level display also shows a small bar graph that displays the measured
output level on each channel.
Front Panel View
Below the above‐described buttons is a view of the JSD‐100 front panel. When connected to the JSD‐100, this
view duplicates the look of the front panel. In addition, the buttons can be pressed to change format or mute the
system, just as on the front panel. The LED above the format button lights when that format is selected. It flashes
if the format is a digital format and no digital signal is present on the selected input.
The remainder of the GUI window contains tabs that divide the remaining configuration data into logical groups.
Each tab will be discussed in sequence.
Summary Tab
The “Summary” tab (shown below) gives a broad view of the JSD‐100 and its installation. The Theater Information
fields may be changed as needed. The other sections of this screen cannot be changed through the summary tab.
Component Information
Various pieces of information about the JSD‐100 are shown here. The Output Module field shows the type of
output module (Analog 8, Analog 16, or AES32). The PIC firmware version identifies the firmware version in two of
the microcontrollers and the circuit board revision of the main circuit board. In the sample screen above, the first E
indicates this is board revision E. The 110929 is the revision of the main processor firmware. The 110829 is the
revision of the rear panel processor firmware. This tab also shows the versions of the firmware for each of the two
digital signal processors and the version for the GUI software itself. Each of these version numbers can be
compared with later updates to determine if the latest firmware is already installed.
Network Information
This is the network information that was set with the JSD‐100 Set IP Utility, discussed previously.
Formats Tab
The “Formats” tab allows the setting of “Per‐Format” configuration. These settings apply only to a specific format.
The type of settings available varies by format type. The available settings for each format are listed below. In
addition to those listed, the Lc/Rc source can be selected if the channel configuration includes Lc/Rc speakers (such
as 7.1SDDS). Select the format that is to be configured using the format buttons on the GUI or the JSD‐100 front