USL EP-100 User Manual
Using the ep-100

181 Bonetti Dr , San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-7397
Tel: +1 805-549-0161 Fax: +1 805-549-0163 Email: [email protected] Website:
Using the EP-100
The EP-100 is a battery maintainer for an Enigma board. The EP-100 provides 12V to the board, while asserting RESETZ
and holding the marriage and service door switches appropriately to minimize battery drain. This allows an Enigma
board to be stored with minimal drain to the battery, prolonging the useful life of an Enigma board.
To use the EP-100:
1. Install Enigma onto EP-100.
2. Plug Power cord into Enigma board.
3. Plug Power cord into wall outlet.
An Enigma board must not be installed in EP-100 while powered. Unplug the EP-100 power cord before plugging an
Enigma board into the EP-100.
Note that steps 2 and 3 can be done in any order.