USL PSA-200U User Manual
USL Accessories for video

Page 1
1st Edition. October, 2004
USL, Inc.
PSA-200U Instruction Manual
© 2004 USL, Inc., San Luis Obispo, CA, USA. All Rights Reserved.
Table Of Contents
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1. Safety Summary ............................................ 4
2. Introduction .................................................. 5
3. Component Identification ............................ 6
4. Setup .............................................................. 7
5. Operation .................................................... 10
6. Report Function .......................................... 13
7. Menu Bar ..................................................... 14
8. Program ...................................................... 15
9. Exporting Files ............................................ 16
10. Specifications .............................................. 17
11. PSA-200U Block Diagram ........................... 18
12. Troubleshooting ......................................... 19
Projection System Analyzer
PSA Patented Technology