USL DSTR-20 Rollpin Replacement Procedure User Manual
Dstr-20 rollpin replacement procedure

DSTR-20 Rollpin Replacement Procedure
Created 1/10/07
This procedure explains the proper steps needed to replace the rollpin between the Tension Arms on the DSTR-20.
The rollpin on some early DSTR units have come loose or completely fallen out due repeated contact with the Tension Arms. This
procedure entails drilling a deeper rollpin hole into the aluminum Main Bearing Assembly block and installing a longer rollpin.
Only units with the last five digits of their serial number being less than 04400 (ie: DSTR-20D-04399) may be affected.
To complete this procedure you will need;
• 5/32" x 5/8" rollpin (USL part # 167180)*
• 5/32" x 6" long drill*
• Masking tape
• Punch or metal rod
• Hammer
• Wood stick approximately 1-1/2" long (a wooden matchstick or Q-tip will do)*
• Needlenose locking (Visegrip® or similar) pliers
• Handheld drill or drillpress.
* USL can supply these items on request.
1. Hold the Tension Arms apart and install a wooden stick to hold them in place (see photo 1).
2. If the original rollpin is still in place, use locking pliers to remove it.
3. Using masking tape, mark drill bit 5/16" from the shoulder (see photo 2).
4. Drill out the rollpin hole to the depth marked on the drill bit (see photo 3). Be careful to drill hole perpendicular to the surface.
(Note: You can carefully do this with a hand drill, or dismount the DSTR and use a drill press.).
5. Using a punch, carefully tap the rollpin into the hole until the pin bottoms out (see photo 4).
6. Remove the wooden stick.
Photo 4
Photo 3
Photo 2
Photo 1