Tools, Fieldware, Setting up a field transfer template – TeeJet Fieldware Tool User Manual
Page 36

Setting Up A Field Transfer Template
In (Figure 39) we see the “Field Transfer Template”
dialog. This dialog is used to set up a field transfer
template. At the top of the dialog is the “Template
Name” edit box. Templates should be given a unique
name which identifies the type of conversion they are
meant to handle. In (Figure 39), the template has been
named “Point to SHP”, identifying that this template
should be used for Fieldware Point object to Shapefile
object conversions.
Below the “Template Name” edit box is the Field
Transfer list. This list contains the field transfers or
mappings that will be performed between the given
source file and destination file objects. The fields of the
source file object are presented in the list’s left-hand
column and the fields of the destination file object are
presented in the list’s right-hand column. In (Figure 39),
we are mapping the Fieldware Point object’s NAME
field to the Shapefile object’s SHP_NAME field and
the Fieldware Point object’s ELEVATION field to the
Shapefile object’s ALTITUDE field.
The New, Edit, and Delete buttons to the right of the
Field Transfer List are used to change the entries in
the list. To create a new field transfer, press the New
button. You are presented with the Field Transfer dialog
(see “Configuring A Field Transfer” on page 37). To
delete the current field transfer (the transfer currently
highlighted in the list), press the Delete button. You are
presented with a message box that asks you to confirm
the delete. If you are sure you want to delete the
transfer, press the Yes button. Otherwise press No. If
you wish to edit the current field transfer, press the Edit
button. You are presented with the Field Transfer dialog
(see “Configuring A Field Transfer” on page 37).
Several buttons in the Field Transfer Template dialog
only appear if you are transferring fields from an
Fieldware file to a Shapefile. The Up/Down Arrow
buttons allow you to change the order of field transfers
in the list. The order of the transfers determines the
order in which fields are written to the Shapefile. In
(Figure 39), the SHAPE_NAME field precedes the
ALTITUDE field in the resulting Shapefile. The Copy All
button copies all the fields in the Fieldware file object to
the Shapefile object. Press this button if you want your
Shapefile object to contain an exact copy of the fields
in the Fieldware file object.
Figure 40: The Field Transfer Dialog