Fieldware, Tools – TeeJet Fieldware Tool User Manual

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98-05048 R3

Step 2: Selecting The Destination File

The destination file holds objects and data converted from the source file. Unlike the source file, it is selected

from within the Convert dialog. To select a destination file, press the Save As button in the Destination group. A

standard Save As dialog appears. Specify the full name and extension of the destination file in the Save As dialog.

The destination must be a new file with one of the Save as types. Therefore, existing files may not be selected.

Once you have entered a filename, press the Save button. The destination file you specified appears in the

Destination group. In addition, the “Object Combo” box and Template group are activated. In (Figure 36) we have

selected Spring 99-DAP.arm as the destination file. As can be seen, the “Object Combo” box and Template group

are no longer grayed out.

Step 3: Selecting The Type Of Objects To Convert

Both Shapefiles and Fieldware files contain objects such as Points, Polylines, and Polygons. Where Fieldware

files such as the GMF or BND file can contain several object types per file, Shapefiles are limited to just one type

per file. Therefore, when we convert Fieldware files to or from Shapefiles, we must convert one object type at

a time. For example, suppose we have a BND file containing Boundary Polygons, Polylines, and Points. Let’s

assume that we wish to convert this file to a Shapefile. Given that the Shapefile can only hold one type of object,

we must specify whether we want to pass it Boundary Polygons, Polylines, or Points. We select which type of

object to transfer via the “Object Combo” box. The “Object Combo” box provides a list of available Fieldware file

objects for us to choose from. If the source file is a Fieldware file, the “Object Combo” box contains the list of

objects in the Fieldware file. If the Fieldware file is the destination file, the “Object Combo” box contains the list of

objects accepted by the Fieldware file which may be attained from the Shapefile. When you select a destination

file, the “Object Combo” box activates and presents you with a default object type. If the type is not acceptable,

select one of the other object types from the “Object Combo” box’s list. When you select a new object type, the

template list is updated to reflect the list of available templates matching the type. In (Figure 36), we have chosen

to accept the default (and only available) object type: Prescription.