Carrier Access Access Bank II SNMP User Manual

Page 66

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Configuring the Access Bank



8. Check the configuration of T1 port #1:

Access Bank II> ds1 1

- DS1 d1

ds1 d1

circuitid "T1 Circuit AD456-7Y"

ds1 d1

csu on

ds1 d1

lbo dsx0|csu0

ds1 d1

linetype d4

ds1 d1

linecode b8zs

ds1 d1

prm att

To change the framing and then check the configuration:

Access Bank II> ds1 1 linetype esf

Access Bank II> ds1 1

- DS1 d1

ds1 d1

circuitid "T1 Circuit AD456-7Y"

ds1 d1

csu on

ds1 d1

lbo dsx0|csu0

ds1 d1

linetype esf

ds1 d1

linecode b8zs

ds1 d1

prm att

To remove all the connections between T1, Analog, and V.35 ports:

Access Bank II> kill d1

Access Bank II> kill d2

To set the connections (example is channels 1-12 of T1 #1 to V.35 port, channels 13-24
of T1 #1 to FXS card in first analog slot):

Access Bank II> make v1 d1:1 12

Access Bank II> make d1:13 f1:1 12

Access Bank II> connections

1) Span d1: "T1 Circuit AD456-7Y"

v1:01 v1:02 v1:03 v1:04 v1:05 v1:06 v1:07 v1:08 v1:09 v1:10 v1:11 v1:12

f1:01 f1:02 f1:03 f1:04 f1:05 f1:06 f1:07 f1:08 f1:09 f1:10 f1:11 f1:12

2) Span d2: "T1 Port #2 - Not in Service"