Conair 100 User Manual

Page 86

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l Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g

A d j u s t i n g t h e L i m i t S w i t c h


Stop the dryer. Disconnect and lockout the main power.


Remove the right side panel from the dryer.

IMPORTANT: Note the position of the tanks.


Loosen the screws securing the limit switch to the carousel. Note that the
hole for the front screw is slotted to allow for adjustment.


Slide the switch to the left or right to position the limit switch so that its small
roller drops into the valley on the bed plate. The roller on the switch should not
hit the stationary bottom plate.


Test for correct indexing of the carousel. Restore main power to the dryer.
Hold the limit switch out of the valley on the carousel bed plate while you push
START. It may not be necessary to push START. If not in run mode, the
carousel will turn when the switch is out of the valley. Once the bed plate starts
turning, release the switch.

If everything is adjusted correctly:

The carousel bed turns.

When the limit switch reaches the next valley in the bed plate, the carousel
should stop turning.


Reset the desiccant carousel.

Continue indexing until the desiccant tanks return to the positions they were in
when the dryer shut down.

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