Central – Conair 100 User Manual
Page 39

I n s t a l l a t i o n l
3 - 1 7
M o u n t i n g a L o a d e r o n t h e H o p p e r
If you have a Conair loader or vacuum receiver, you can
use the flange and mounting clips provided on the top of
the hopper. Refer to the manuals that came with your
receiver or loader for detailed installation instructions.
Te s t i n g T h e I n s t a l l a t i o n
You have completed the installation. Now it’s time to make
sure everything works.
Make sure there is no material in the hopper. If you
have mounted a loader or vacuum receiver on the hop-
per, disconnect the material inlet hose at the source.
Turn on the main power to the dryer. Make sure the
dryer’s disconnect dial is in the ON position. This pow-
ers up the control and the display lights will illuminate.
Set the drying temperature. Press the Setpoint Adjust ▲ or ▼ buttons to set
the temperature.
When configured as a central dryer, the drying temperature can
not be set since there is no process heater in the system.
Set Point
1 Process Temp.
2 Regen. Temp.
3 Return Air Temp.
4 Auto Start
5 Load Time (MDC)
6 Activate Setback Temp.
7 Setback Temp.(Process)
8 Setback Load Rate
9 PM1 Dewpoint
Shutdown Alarms
A1 Process High Temp.
A2 Process Loop Break
A3 Process Heater High Temp.
A4 Regen. Heater High Temp.
A5 Carousel Index Too Long
A6 Carousel Index Failure
A7 Return Air High Temp.
Passive Alarms
P1 Process Temp. Deviation
P3 Regen. Temp. Deviation
P5 Return Air High Temp.
Auto Start
Desiccant Indexing
Set-Back Temp.
Process Blower
Process Pressure
Process Heater
Regen. Blower
Regen. Pressure
Regen. Heater