Conair 100 User Manual
Page 11

U s i n g t h e D S e r i e s a s a C e n t r a l
D r y e r
This manual incorporates the information necessary to use the Conair D series
dryer as a central dryer. Throughout this manual, information particular to cen-
tral dyer application of the D series dryer is called out by the following treat-
Yo u r R e s p o n s i b i l i t y a s a U s e r
You must be familiar with all safety procedures concerning installation, opera-
tion and maintenance of this equipment. Responsible safety procedures include:
Thorough review of this User Guide, paying particular attention
to hazard warnings, appendices and related diagrams.
Thorough review of the equipment itself, with careful attention
to voltage sources, intended use and warning labels.
Thorough review of instruction manuals for associated equipment.
Step-by-step adherence to instructions outlined in this User Guide.
I n t r o d u c t i o n l
1 - 3
This box will contain information or highlight system differ-
ences particular to the application of the D series dryer as a
central dryer.