Conair 100 User Manual
Page 70

6 - 4
l Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g
H o w t o I d e n t i f y t h e C a u s e o f a
P r o b l e m
Most dryer malfunctions are indicated by an illuminated Acknowledge Alarm light
on the D carousel dryer control panel.
A problem can trigger two types of alarms:
Shut Down: The dryer has automatically shut down because it detected a
serious problem that could damage your material or dryer.
Passive: The dryer continues to operate, but warns of a problem that could
prevent correct drying of your material. If ignored, this problem could lead to a
condition that will shut down the dryer.
When the alarm light is displayed:
Press the Acknowledge Alarm button once to silence the
optional audible alarm and display the alarm message.
Pressing the Acknowledge Alarm button once also changes the alarm LED from
blinking to solid.
Find the error message in the diagnostics table of this troubleshooting
Note that pressing the Acknowledge Alarm button a second time will clear
the alarm.
NOTE: When the dryer detects abnormally high temperature in the process heater, the
dryer immediately shuts down and an error message appears in the display window.
The alarm light does not illuminate.
Set Point
1 Process Temp.
2 Regen. Temp.
3 Return Air Temp.
4 Auto Start
5 Load Time (MDC)
6 Activate Setback Temp.
7 Setback Temp.(Process)
8 Setback Load Rate
9 PM1 Dewpoint
Shutdown Alarms
A1 Process High Temp.
A2 Process Loop Break
A3 Process Heater High Temp.
A4 Regen. Heater High Temp.
A5 Carousel Index Too Long
A6 Carousel Index Failure
A7 Return Air High Temp.
Passive Alarms
P1 Process Temp. Deviation
P3 Regen. Temp. Deviation
P5 Return Air High Temp.
Auto Start
Desiccant Indexing
Set-Back Temp.
Process Blower
Process Pressure
Process Heater
Regen. Blower
Regen. Pressure
Regen. Heater
Alarm LED and