Conair 100 User Manual

Page 126

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l A p p e n d i x

C l e a n i n g t h e V a c u u m R e c e i v e r

The vacuum receiver should be cleaned anytime you change materials. Replace the
screen mesh filter if it is torn, damaged, distorted, or so clogged with material that
it cannot be cleaned.


Turn off the conveying system by setting the load time to zero (See
Page 4-6, Screen 9)
. Disconnect the air and material
hoses from the vacuum receiver.


Remove the vacuum receiver lid. Release the twist
clamps and lift the lid.


Remove and clean the mesh filter. Rotate the mesh filter
against the vacuum receiver lid so that it will release. Use
vacuum or compressed air to clean the screen.


Remove and clean the vacuum receiver body. Lift the
vacuum receiver body to release it from the viewing
chamber. Clean inside the vacuum receiver body with a
clean rag.


Remove and clean the viewing chamber. Lift the viewing
chamber to release it from the mounting bracket. Clean
inside with a clean rag.


Reassemble the vacuum receiver. Make sure the viewing
chamber and loader body seat snugly inside the O-ring

CAUTION: Wear eye protection.
If you use compressed air to
clean these components, wear
safety glasses to protect your-
self from air-borne materials.


When configured as
a central dryer, the
MDC option is not

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