Conair 100 User Manual

Page 51

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S c r e e n

Screens 15-27 require access
code 754.

SCREEN 23 (Set up Screen)
Aftercooler Flow Control Option

SCREEN 24 (Set up Screen)
Setback Temperature Option

SCREEN 25 (Set up Screen)
Setback Load Rate Option

F u n c t i o n

C o n t r o l F u n c t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n s

( c o n t i n u e d )

This screen is the Aftercooler Flow
Control Enable screen. By pressing the +
or - keys, the setting can be changed. With
this off or disabled, the dryer will not open
the flow control valve and try and control
the return air temperature. There will also
be no set point value on Menu number 3,
Screen 7.

This screen shows the setting of the set-
back option. It can be set to Off or On.
"Off" turns the setback mode off, and the
dryer will not change the process set point.
"On" tells the control the dryer should go
into setback when the hopper outlet tem-
perature reaches its set point. Menu 6
Screen 10.

This screen shows the setting of the set-
back load rate option. It can be set to Off
or On. “Off” turns the setback load rate
function off, and the dryer will not change
the process set point. The "On" setting
tells the dryer to go into setback when the
load rate gets to its set number of loads per
hour Menu 8, Screen 12.
(continued next page)










O p e r a t i o n l

4 - 1 1





When supplied for
central drying applica-
tions, these functions
are not available.

This manual is related to the following products: