Appendix c – answers to frequently asked questions – Microtel MicroWin 2000EX User Manual

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MicroWin 2000EX Manual


Appendix C – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I have several dialers in my system that are setup to call MicroWin 2000EX, but I rarely

receive any call-in data from them, even though I know that they are receiving alarms
that should be triggering call-ins.

A. >It is possible that the Poll Intervals for the MicroWin 2000EX entries are too small

compared to the number of entries in the system. This may be causing the dialers to get busy
signals every time they try to make a call-in. Try setting your entry automatic callout
intervals to a longer time.

>Also, check to make sure that the phone numbers used to call MicroWin 2000EX on your
dialers have the *990 telephone escape code. If this is not in the phone number, it will call
MicroWin 2000EX but not communicate as a modem.

Q. My dialers are setup to call MicroWin 2000EX, but I have not received ANY call-in

data from them, even though I know that they are receiving alarms that should be
triggering call-ins.

A. Remember that Auto Answer must be enabled in order for MicroWin 2000EX to receive

call-ins. Also remember that each Entry that you want to accept call-ins will need to be
called out to at least once so that MicroWin 2000EX can record the ID from that dialer so it
knows what dialer is calling it.

Make sure that your dialer has a system telephone number that is unique. This value must be
present or call-in data won’t be stored.

Again, check to make sure that the phone numbers used to call MicroWin 2000EX on your
dialers have the *990 telephone escape code. If this is not in the phone number, it will call
MicroWin 2000EX but not communicate as a modem.

Q. I would like to operate MicroWin 2000EX to only answer incoming calls. How can I

configure the system so that I am not calling out to the dialers, but rather only
recording call-ins.

A. An entry can be stopped from making automatic callouts by disabling the automatic

Snapshots and Archives of this entry. Even though this entry’s callouts are Disabled, call-ins
from its associated dialer will still be stored to this entry in MicroWin 2000EX. Remember
that each entry must at least callout once to its associated dialer before MicroWin 2000EX
will know which dialer corresponds to what entry.


Call-Ins from many different dialers are coming in, but it seems to store the data in the
wrong Entries. Why?

A. It sounds like your dialers don’t have unique System Telephone Numbers. A dialer’s

System Phone Number is what gives a dialer its unique ID. This should be unique for each of
the dialers in the MicroWin 2000EX system. Note - When you change a dialer’s Telephone
(Fax Identification Number)
, you must first have MicroWin 2000EX call this dialer and
after connecting, the configuration must be sent to this dialer before having the dialer make
call-ins to it or the data will not be recorded.