Microtel MicroWin 2000EX User Manual

Page 19

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MicroWin 2000EX Manual


Connect MicroWin 2000EX to a S1000EX

Select the project by clicking in the blue background of the project’s title bar. To open the New
Project, left click in the small square in the upper right corner of the New Project’s title bar.
Connect to the dialer either Local or Modem. Select the Communications tab on the desktop
and assuming the correct port has been chosen. Select Connect. Once the current entry is
connected to its associated dialer, the Realtime Data Page will display the dialer’s realtime data.

After choosing Connect communications will commence. If all has been properly setup, the
picture in the upper right hand corner will indicate POLLING “Project Name” and after a little
handshaking, the dialer’s realtime status information will start being displayed and will update
every 1 to 3 seconds.

If a problem occurs while connecting or a dialer alarm condition is present once connected, an
alarm signal may be sounded. To silence this alarm, click on the Silence button on the desktop.