Microtel MicroWin 2000EX User Manual
Page 31

MicroWin 2000EX Manual
A Alarm channel will cause alarm call outs when an alarm conditions occurs. If the alarm
condition clears without being acknowledged, the dialer channel will now indicate that its status
is ‘Now Normal.’
When a channel setup as Call On Alarm goes into alarm and gets acknowledged, i.e. someone
learned of the alarm and commanded the dialer to stop making alarm call outs, the channel status
will be ‘Acknowledged.’ Once acknowledged, this channel will go into a snooze period where it
will not call out for this alarm condition. When this snooze period expires, alarm call outs will
A Return to Normal (Call/Return) channel has the same properties of the above Call On
Alarm in addition that a new set of call outs will be generated when the alarm condition clears.
Basically, call outs are started whenever the channel alarm condition changes.
Channel’s On Delay/Off Delay (Inputs Only)
When a channel’s input state changes from a normal state to a fault state, the dialer will allow for
a user defined On Delay time period of how long the input must be in this new fault state before
registering this as an alarm condition.
When a channel’s input state changes from a fault state to a normal state, the dialer will allow for
a user defined Off Delay time period of how long the input must be in the normal state before
registering that this alarm condition has cleared.
Alarm Latched
When a Call On Alarm input channel is Latched, any alarm condition that occurs will be
latched in. Then , even if the physical alarm condition clears, the channel will still report an
alarm condition. The alarm condition will only unlatch when the channel alarm gets
Output Types
Output Types are used for setting state values in the field. There are Output Types which allow
only a user to change the values and there are Output Types that are changed by the dialer itself
depending on specific conditions.
Since they are not used for monitoring an external condition, they will not make alarm call outs.
The following are the user controlled channel Output Types:
User Controlled Output Types
Digital Output
They can be setup for a user to call in and manually turn on/off a pump, or turn on/off a local
alarm siren, etc.
When a Digital Output channel is Latched, anytime a user changes its state, it will remain in
that state. If the channel is Momentary, it will close for the desired number of seconds that can
be changed below and then reopen.