Creating the task sequence – Microsoft Surface 3 User Manual

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Figure 3.23: Windows 8.1 x64 Folder Selected In Selection Profile.

Summary – Confirm the specified options and click Next.

Progress – A progress bar will be displayed as the selection profile is created.

Confirmation – Confirmation of the successful selection profile creation will be displayed here. Click Finish.

Creating the Task Sequence

You have now installed the deployment tools, created a deployment share, and imported operating system files and

drivers. All required components are configured and you are ready to begin configuring how the deployment will be
performed. The deployment process is controlled through task sequences. For more details about task sequences, refer
to the

Task Sequences section of Chapter 2


Creating the Deployment Task Sequence

Task sequences are configured in the MDT Deployment Workbench. For this scenario, you will create a basic task

sequence that deploys the imported operating system to the target Surface Pro 3 device. You create a task sequence by
following these steps:

1. In the MDT Deployment Workbench, expand the deployment share.
2. Right-click Task Sequences and click New Task Sequence. This launches the New Task Sequence Wizard, as

shown in Figure 3.24.