Finalizing the offline media – Microsoft Surface 3 User Manual

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Listing 5.3: Offline Media Rules.

Add the SkipBDDWelcome setting to the Bootstrap.ini file by following the procedure detailed in the

Configuring Boot

Media Rules section of Chapter 4

. The credentials settings do not need to be configured because the offline boot media

will not connect to a separate deployment share.

Finalizing the Offline Media

Now that the rules are configured, the offline media can be updated to include these rules and the deployment share

components required for deployment. Updating the offline media will also generate an ISO image file which can be
burned to optical media or mounted to virtual machines. To update the offline media, follow these steps:

1. Expand the Advanced Configuration folder of the offline deployment share in the Deployment Workbench.
2. Select the Media folder.
3. Right-click MEDIA001, the newly generated offline media files, and select Update Media Content. This launches

the Update Media Content process.

4. The Update Media Content process will run, displaying the following screens:

Progress – Progress bars will be displayed throughout the process of copying content from the deployment
share into the offline media files.

Confirmation – Displays confirmation of the successful update of the offline media and a summary of the
process. Click Finish.

5. Open File Explorer.
6. Enter or browse to the location of the offline media files.
7. Open the Content folder.
8. Select all of the files and folders as shown in Figure 5.20, then right-click on the files and folders and select Copy.