Track mapping accuracy, How can i email a runfile or trackmap – Haltech IQ3 Data Logger Dash User Manual
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IQ3 Data Logger Dash Installation Manual
Track Mapping Accuracy?
GPS created track maps are created from vehicle position. The characteristics of GPS signals are
such that the vehicle position accuracy is relative to the period of time the vehicle is in motion.
For example, during an on track period of 10-15 minutes, the true vehicle distance could vary a
distance of less than 12”. Over a period of hours, the worst case scenario for vehicle location to
vary is 9 feet. However, the Racepak software is capable of providing corrections to the data, in
order to bring the accuracy within acceptable limits. GPS track mapping is capable of producing
accurate track maps from courses that combine highly bank and extremely flat areas (such as
the road course at Daytona) without the typical problems associated with inertia based
Can I install a larger Memory Card?
Yes. Up to 2GB can be utilized.
How can I email a Runfile or Trackmap?
Runfiles are contained in the following directory:
Track maps are contained in the following directory:
Runfiles and track maps may be emailed the same as any other email attachment, such as
photos, Word documents, etc. It is suggested to first ZIP the files before attaching to the
outgoing email. Emailed Runfiles and track maps should be placed in the same directory from
which they were obtained by the recipient.
Should multiple users comparing data from the same track, use different
track maps?
No, if multiple IQ3 users are at the same track and desire to compare data, it is best for one
user to create the map, and share between all users. This assures the ability to accurately
compare segment times.
Lap times displayed on the dash vs. lap times from the track map?
In terms of accuracy, nothing. The point to remember is the setting of start / finish using the
display dash is the same as passing a beacon transmitter, on the racetrack. However, when a
track map is created, it is still necessary to located the start / finish area in the Datalink II Create
GPS Map Runlog page. The main advantage of setting start / finish with the dash is the ability
to instantly receive lap time data from the display dash, along with viewing lap times in the
Datalink II software. In addition, it makes it possible to graph the Lapmarker channel, in the
Datalink II software. The Lapmarker channel will display a vertical mark, each time the vehicle
passes the start / finish area, in graphed data.