Haltech IQ3 Data Logger Dash User Manual
Page 85

IQ3 Data Logger Dash Installation Manual
Does GPS Always Work?
While GPS produces excellent data, no system is perfect. If the data logger is unable to acquire
at least three satellites, data will not be useable. There are conditions that can affect signal
1. Driving through a tunnel or any location that will hide or shroud the GPS signals.
2. Driving through an extensive row of trees, or other natural or manmade objects that
might shroud signal reception for an extensive period of time.
3. Natural or manmade obstructions, such as walls, signs, etc.
Will Rain Affect the GPS Signal?
We have not encountered an affect from rain, in our on track testing and usage. Again, there
could be some type of severe conditions that could affect the GPS signals.
Can I Acquire Elevation?
If the IQ3 has acquired 4 satellites, elevation is available.
Does the Loss and Gain of Satellites Affect the Data?
No, as long as the GPS satellites remain at 3 or above, the DataLink II software compensates for
signal change.
Speed Accuracy?
In typical usage, the speed accuracy is approximately .50 MPH / .1 KMH. This number
represents the upper end of the accuracy statistic and would have no effect on data review. In
reality, how many drivers can detect a change of ½ mph, in high performance driving
Lap time Accuracy?
In multi-year testing of IQ3 vs. trackside beacon lap times, a maximum variance .05 has been
noted. GPS based lap times are dependant only upon vehicle location, and can not be affected
by sunlight, signal blockage from other vehicles, power loss to the transmitter, or other
problems associated with trackside transmitters.
GPS Data Does Not Start Until Later in the Run
If the vehicle is not outside and stationary before a run, the GPS system will have difficulty
locating the position of the vehicle. If the vehicle is moving before locking onto at least three
satellites, it will take a longer period of time into the run, before GPS data is gathered. Always
insure at least three satellites are located, before moving the vehicle.