Add inside / outside track - optional – Haltech IQ3 Data Logger Dash User Manual
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IQ3 Data Logger Dash Installation Manual
Add Inside / Outside Track - Optional
When utilizing GPS data, it is possible to create on-screen inside and outside track edges, to
assist in reviewing data. To obtain data for inside / outside driving lines, it is necessary to drive
at least two complete laps on the inside of the track and two complete laps on the outside of
the track. If the start / finish area is not passed at least two times during each procedure, a
suitable lap will not be obtained.
It is advisable to obtain inside and outside track information at some point during an on-track
run and utilize this same run for track mapping, segmentation and inside / outside track
creation. Then, by using the following instructions, the user simply toggles through the available
laps, selecting the desired inside and outside laps.
Following the creation and segmentation of a trackmap, open the Add Inside/Outside Track-
Optional Runlog page:
Step 1:
Toggle through the available laps, until a suitable inside lap is obtained. Select the Create
Inside Track
Step 2:
Toggle through the available laps, until a suitable outside lap is obtained. Select the
Create Outside Track button.
Following these procedures, the inside and outside track area should now be represented by
red and blue lines, on the GPS track map graphic area. To save the updated track, select the
Create GPS Track Map Runlog page, then the SELECT/CREATE GPS MAP button. This action will
open the Select/Create GPS MAP dialog window. Select the Rename/Save Lap File button. The
user can save with the existing track map name or rename as desired.