6-2. sidetone level, 6-5. linear amplifier control – Kenwood TS-850S User Manual

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6-6-2. Sidetone Level


Turn VR5 while holding down the key in the CW mode
for the desired tone level.


Beep Tone Level

Turn VR4 to the desired tone volume.



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Adjusting the Data Communications Modulation Input Level

Set the input level for the desired modulation level with
VR18. Input is reduced by turning the control
counterclockwise, and increased by turning clockwise.


6-6-5. Linear Amplifier Control

The external control relay is not activated at the factory
so that the operation of the radio will remain at the

lowest mechanical noise level during CW Full break-in

operation. If the use of this control relay is required,
such as for use with an external linear amplifier it may

be activated by setting the LINEAR AMP switch to ON.

12 volts at approximately 10 mA maximum is available at

pin number 7 of the REMOTE connector for control of

an external keying relay, if necessary. We recommend

the use of a 7 pin DIN plug for this connection. When

operation of this transceiver with the TL-922/922A is
anticipated you should use the control cable supplied
with the linear amplifier.

Most linear amplifiers require a ground on transmit. This
is available by connecting pin 2 of the remote connector

to ground. Then connect the center conductor of your