3-1. ssb auto mode shift, 3-2. speech processor – Kenwood TS-850S User Manual

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4-3-1. SSB AUTO mode shift

This transceiver automatically selects the appropriate sideband when in the SSB mode.







1. USB is selected for 9.5 MHz and above.
2. The AUTO mode selection will not function when using RIT.

4-3-2. Speech Processor

The Speech Processor is used when signals from your station are weak at the distant station.

During SSB operation (especially DX operations), it may be desirable to increase the relative “talk-power” of the

transmitter by using the speech processor circuitry. This may make the difference between a marginal, and a
copyable signal.


Turn the PROC switch ON and place the METER switch to COMP. Adjust the PROC control while speaking

into the microphone in a normal tone of voice, for a peak COMP scale reading of no more than 10 dB. Do not

overdrive the COMPRESSOR. This will deteriorate voice quality, increase transmitter noise level, and in
general make copying your signal more difficult.
Next, set the METER switch to ALC and adjust the MIC gain control while speaking into the microphone.
Ensure that the meter deflection is within the ALC zone!