1-2. rear panel – Kenwood TS-850S User Manual

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4-1-2. Rear Panel

©GND (Ground) terminal

To prevent electric shock, as well as RFI and BCl,
connect the transceiver to a good earth ground.


ANT (Antenna) connector

This connector should be attached to a suitable

antenna for transmitting and receiving. The antenna
cable should be 50-ohm coax, terminated with a PL-
259 connector.


Power fuse for the ACC 4 connector.

@ DC power connector
This is used to connect the DC power supply.

© ACC 4 connector

The optional AT-300 may be connected here.

©ACC 1 connector

The optional DSP-100 or the optional IF-232C is
connected here.

© RTTY terminal

For connection to an RTTY interface unit, (direct
FSK keying) The terminal is equipped the short pin
plug for the factory.

©DSP 1 terminal
The optional DSP-100 is connected here.

® DSP 2 terminal

The optional DSP-100 is connected here.

(© DSP 3 connector

The optional DSP-100 is connected here.

©ACC 3 terminal

This is used to connect the remote controller.

® SW1 switch

This transceiver has a cover on the back to protect
against misoperation. To connect the external
antenna tuner to this unit, remove the cover and
slide switch SW1 to EXT. The built-in antenna tuner
will then not operate.

© LINEAR AMP switch

Activates the internal keying relay for linear amplifier

© REMOTE connector

This connector is used when a linear amplifier is


Control relay p

From standby switch
(PTT circuit for foot switch)

+ 12 VDC ON transmit

max. 10 mA

Speaker output

ALC input


View from cord

7. ^


Internal wiring


© IF OUT 1 terminal

This terminal is for the band scope of the station

IF 1 is for connection to the SM-230 for Pan Display.
(8.83 MHz)