Preset mode, 2) auto tune mode, Manual tune mode – Kenwood TS-850S User Manual

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If the transceiver is operated into an antenna with a
high SWR, the final stage SWR protection circuit







approximately 2 : 1). Use of the Automatic Antenna

Tuner will help you to match the antenna to the
transceiver. The AT unit is capable of matching a 20

- 150 ohm load, or approximately a 2.5 : 1 SWR. If
the antenna and feed line exceed this range the
tuner may not be able to find the correct match. If
the tuner cannot match after two attempts, check
your antenna and feed lines.
Output power of the transceiver will automatically be

reduced to approximately 10 watts during the tuning
process to protect the finals against damage.______


The carrier control should be adjusted for normal
CW output (at least 10 watts).



While the automatic antenna tuner is capable of

reducing the apparent SWR of the antenna system,
it is important to remember that maximum power
output will only occur when the antenna has been
adjusted for the lowest possible SWR.

The antenna tuner has the following three modes;

® Preset mode

This transceiver has a Preset Memory function

capable of storing tuning conditions of each amateur
radio band. The transceiver stores the tuning
conditions after tuning of an amateur radio band is
completed, and automatically provides the stored
tuning conditions when switched backed to that
amateur radio band from other amateur radio bands,
reducing the time for tuning. When you switch to an
amateur radio band, the AT TUNE indicator lights

briefly to indicate that the Preset function is

1. Set the THRU/AUTO switch to AUTO.

The AT TUNE indicator will light and the
transceiver will adjust to it’s preset condition.

2. When preset is completed, the AT TUNE indicator

turns off.

If you change BANDS and then return to the
previously tuned BAND, after tuning is complete,

the SWR may have changed.

If the SWR has changed, set the AT TUNE switch

to ON so the unit will retune.

(2) Auto Tune mode

In this mode, tuning signals are transmitted to tune

the antenna and transceiver automatically.

If switch SW 1 on the rear is set to EXT, the built-

in antenna tuner does not work.

1. Set the THRU/AUTO switch to AUTO.


2. Set the AT TUNE switch to ON.

The transceiver switches to the CW mode, the AT
TUNE indicator lights, and the unit starts tuning.


This switch will not function when the CAR
control is turned fully counterclockwise.

3. When tuning is completed and the AT TUNE

indicator goes out, the frequency display returns


4. A warning beep tone is sounded if tuning is not

completed within 20 seconds. If this occurs turn
the AT TUNE switch OFF, and then repeat steps

1 - 3.

@ Manual Tune mode

Manual adjustment of the tuner is possible with the

tuning knob and M.CH/VFO CH control if auto-tuning

is not possible.

1. Press and hold the LSB/USB key while you turn

on the POWER switch.

2. Select the number 20 by rotating the M.CH/VFO

CH control.
Use the UP/DOWN switch to select OFF.



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3. Press the CLR key, or press the POWER switch

OFF and then back ON.

4. Place the THRU/AUTO switch to AUTO.
5. Turn the AT TUNE switch ON. While reading the

SWR meter, alternately turn and adjust the
TUNING knob and M.CH/VFO CH control for the

lowest SWR. When tuning is completed, the AT

TUNE indicator will go out. Once it goes out,
further tuning will not be possible even if you turn
the controls.

6. The current setting is stored in memory as the

preset data for the amateur band when the AT

TUNE indicator turns off or you stop tuning by

pressing the AT TUNE switch.
If manual tuning is done in one band, then again

in another only, the tuning data for the first band
is memorized. So, if the first band is reselected,







reestablishing the original tuning.

7. To cancel the manual tuning mode, perform step

1, select ON in step 2, and then step 3._________


If manual adjustment fails to lower the SWR and

complete the tuning, adjust the SWR of the