Motors & propellers, Battery chargers, Electra construction options – Carl Goldberg GBGA0040 User Manual
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In flight, the model is controlled by using the rudder and the
elevator (see drawing). One radio channel controls the rud-
der, which is the primary turn control. It rolls, or "banks" the
model. Another channel operates the elevator, which controls
the pitch (climbing, level flight, and descent). The third chan-
nel is for the motor.
Radios are battery powered with rechargeable nickel-
cadmium batteries (ni-cads). Such sets come equipped with
a recharging unit. Also, many of the radio systems now avail-
able feature "servo reversing" switches which allow the pilot
to reverse the response of the servo. This feature simplifies
installation and is a worthwhile consideration when selecting
a radio system. Other radios come with a variety of sophisti-
cated features, such as dual rates, exponential and control
mixing, etc. These features are typically used by more
advanced flyers and are not necessary for flying the ELEC-
The Carl Goldberg Models TURBO 550 Motor is includ-
ed in your ELECTRA kit because it has excellent perform-
ance and will provide you with a good climb for four minutes
or more, using a standard 6-cell battery and 8-4 prop. If you
don’t mind spending more, you can power your ELECTRA
with various other power units. We suggest you consult your
hobby retailer or a modeler who has experience in electric
flight. Since electric flight has become an increasingly popu-
lar option for sport fliers, the technology has been changing
The Turbo 550 Motor System is equipped with an in-line
fuse. Without a fuse, the motor or battery could be perma-
nently damaged if the prop is installed or jammed while the
motor is running. If you plan to buy another brand of motor,
make sure it has a fuse or, if it doesn’t, ask your dealer how
to install one.
An 8-4 nylon prop also is included in your kit. It is the best
all-round prop to use with the Turbo 550. Although some
wood props may give better climb, they can break easily in a
slightly rough landing. If you use a geared or cobalt motor,
refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations on props.
Many different battery chargers are available and most
work quite well. For the best advice, see your local hobby
dealer. If there isn’t one nearby, here is a brief description
of the various types of chargers and how they work.
Some chargers use 12 volts, such as in a car battery,
and some use 120 volt house current. Some will work on
both 12 and 120 volts and most will accomplish a quick
charge in 20 minutes or less. A handy accessory to have is
a digital volt meter.
BASIC CHARGERS (with a mechanical timer) work well, but
must be used with care to avoid overcharging your batteries.
These are generally the least expensive chargers.
ERS are more expensive, but very easy to use. Just hook it
up and come back in 20 minutes. These chargers usually
operate only from a 12 volt power supply.
ally the most expensive type. These chargers, which are
available in 12, 120, and 12/120 volt power requirements,
work extremely well. Simply plug in and hook up the COOL
battery. Return in 20 minutes to a fully charged unit. (Note:
the battery must be cool before the charge cycle begins.)
NOTE: Materials for these options are not included
in your kit. They must be purchased separately.
REMOVABLE TIP OPTION If a 6-1/2 foot wing will not
fit in your car, you will want to build the wing with removable
wing tips.
TINTING THE CANOPY If you wish to “tint” the canopy,
do not try to dye the plastic. Instead, purchase a “transpar-
ent“ spray enamel paint and apply carefully to the INSIDE of
the canopy surface.
LANDING WHEEL OPTION The plans show how to
install an optional single landing wheel on your ELECTRA.
Although this really is not necessary, it can help prevent
breakage of wooden propellers and damage to the fuselage
when landing on gravel or other rough surfaces. Another
way to prevent damage to the fusage is to apply CGM
ScuffGuard, a transparent scuff resistant strip, to the bottom
of your aircraft. Application is very easy and highly recom-