Checkline TI-CMX User Manual
Page 24

2. Assuming the TI-CMX recognized the probe and the OK key
was pressed, the TI-CMX will advance to a Zero Probe menu.
If the transducer was identified as a special transducer capable
of measuring coating thickness, a menu will be displayed
allowing the user the ability to toggle the coating thickness
display on/off as follows:
3. Press the UP and DOWN arrow keys to toggle the coating
option on/off.
4. Wipe all couplant from the transducer face and proceed to the
Probe Zero section that follows.
In this second example the transducer was not identified and will force the user to
select the transducer type from a predefined list of transducers:
1. Press the OK or ESC keys to display the factory list of
transducer types (by diameter and frequency).
2. Press the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the
transducer list until the appropriate type is highlighted.
3. Press the ENTER key to select the transducer type and
display overwrite existing probe screen.
4. Press the OK key to overwrite the existing probe type with
the newly selected probe type. The zero probe screen will be
displayed. Proceed to the zero probe section that follows.
6.2 Probe
The next step is to perform a probe zero. The zero function is
a very important and necessary function that must be done prior
to calibration. It should be done on a regular basis. In fact, the
TI-CMX has been programmed to force this issue at regular
intervals during operation if it hasn’t been done. If the TI-CMX
is not zeroed correctly, all the measurements taken may be in
error by some fixed value. When the TI-CMX is using the auto
zero (electronic zero), the TI-CMXº can be in any measurement
mode. However, when the manual zero is being used, the TI-CMX must be in pulse-
echo mode in order to perform the zero. The TI-CMX will also see to it that this occurs
by simply forcing the gauge into this mode when zero. Therefore, if the TI-CMX is in
the echo-echo measurement mode and a manual zero is being performed, the TI-CMX
will put the gauge into pulse-echo mode automatically before performing the zero.
While this is a very convenient feature of the TI-CMX, the user should be sure to check
the measurement mode following calibration to be sure the TI-CMX is in the desired
mode. The following steps outline both of these techniques.
The TI-CMX is equipped with two zero options:
1. Off Block Zero (Automatic Probe Zero) – When this feature is enabled the
TI-CMX will do an electronic zero automatically, eliminating the need for a zero disk
or block.
2. On Block Zero (Manual Probe Zero) – When this feature is enabled the transducer
must be placed on the probe zero disk (battery cover located on the top of the unit.
Both zero procedures are outlined as follows
3. Press the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to toggle DIGITS or B-SCAN. When the
correct view is being displayed continue on to setting the B-START or B-DEPTH
values, or press the MEAS key to return to the measurement screen and begin taking
7.3 Adjusting the B-Scan Start (B-START) & Depth (B-DEPTH)
In order to use the B-Scan and Scan Bar features of the TI-CMX effectively, the starting
depth and overall depth must be setup correctly. This can be adjusted using the B-
START and the B-DEPTH features of the TI-CMX. The B-START refers to the starting
depth or thickness value displayed. Example: If you want your B-Scan or Scan Bar to
start at a zero thickness value, then B-START must be set to 0.000”. If you want the B-
Scan and Scan Bar to start displaying at .125”, then B-START must be set to .125”. B-
DEPTH represents overall viewable thickness range being tested. Example: If your
measuring tank walls with a total thickness of .300”, and your B-START has been set to
0.000”, you might consider setting your B-DEPTH value to something like 0.400” to
cover the entire thickness range being tested. You might also consider B-DEPTH as a
zoom feature for both the B-Scan and Scan Bar. Why? Because the larger the overall
thickness range view (B-DEPTH), the smaller the noticeable shifts in the Scan Bar and
B-Scan presentation. Therefore, it’s best to set the B-START and B-DEPTH to reason-
able values that zoom in and optimize your graphic presentation.
Starting depth (B-START)
The starting B-START, or starting depth, is the starting thickness value. Often times this
value will simply be set to zero in order to start measuring at 0.000”. The only time this
value will be set to something other than zero, is if the user needs to zoom in even clos-
er. When will this be the case? If the user is testing a material that’s 1 inch in thickness
and knows that the potential corrosion is only on the back surface of the material and
not possibly deeper than .200”. In this case, the user may wish to set the B-ST at .700”
to zoom in closer to the actual area being tested. In turn, the B-DEP might be set at
1.100” in order to cover the entire range respectively. This will offer the user better reso-
lution for both the B-Scan and Scan Bar graphical presentations.
NOTE: Once the range is set, it will remain the same for all the views respectively.
The procedures to adjust the starting depth (B-START) are outlined below:
Adjusting the Starting Depth (B-START)
1. Press the MENU key once to activate the menu items tab.
Press the MENU key multiple times to tab right, and the ESC
key multiple times to tab left, until the DISP menu is
highlighted and displaying the submenu items.
2. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the
sub menu items until B-START is highlighted.
3. Press the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to scroll the value.
When the correct B-Start value is being displayed, proceed
to step 8.