Checkline TI-CMX User Manual
Page 19

Searching for small defects
Dual element delay line transducers are especially useful in searching for small defects.
In the pulse-echo mode with high amplifier gain, very small defects can be measured.
This is very useful during corrosion inspections overall. The dual element style transduc-
er will find wall deterioration, pits, and any porosity pockets during tank and pipeline
Echo-Echo Mode – Thru-Paint (E-E)
The echo-echo mode measures between two reflections. This technique
is commonly used to eliminate errors from surface coatings and also to
make measurements in multiple layered materials. The disadvantage is
that two echoes are needed which requires a much stronger echo
Pulse Echo Coating Mode – Coating On (PECT)
A custom hybrid combination mode using properties from the basic
modes along with a group of special techniques and theoretical wave phenomena’s to
measure coating and material thicknesses at the same time, while still retaining the abili-
ty to locate flaws and pits in materials. Therefore, the best description for this hybrid
mode is Pulse-Echo Coating mode.
Coating Mode – Coating Only (CT)
Once again, this is a custom hybrid combination mode using special techniques to effec-
tively measure the thickness of coatings that are either adhered to metallic surfaces or in
stand alone form. In this mode a two point calibration must be performed. If the user
will be measuring coating that has been applied to a metal surface, the calibration must
be performed using coating samples coupled to a metal surface when calibrating. To
explain further, a drop of couplant must be applied in between the coating samples and
metal surface. If the coating has not been applied to a metal surface, the calibration
should be performed accordingly.
Pulse-Echo Temperature Compensated Mode – Temp Comp (PETP)
This is a custom mode that combines pulse-echo and electronic zero techniques to
automatically adjust for temperature changes in the transducer as a result of an
increasing/decreasing temperature gradient in the test material.
NOTE: Rough surface conditions can have an effect on the overall accuracy in this
mode. If the surface condition is in question, the pulse-echo mode should be used in
conjunction with performing an off block automatic zero as the temperature gradient
Dual Element
Transducer in
Echo to Echo
Probe Automatically Recognized (PECT only)
1. Press the OK key once to use the identified probe, or ESC to
display a list of optional transducers.
NOTE: If the TI-CMX recognizes a specific transducer, the user
should always select OK to use the identified probe. The only
time an alternative probe should be selected from a list is if the
user switched probes following initial power up and recognition.
2. Assuming the TI-CMX recognized the probe and the OK key
was pressed, the TI-CMX will advance to a Zero Probe menu.
If the transducer was identified as a special transducer capable
of measuring coating thickness, a menu will be displayed
allowing the user the ability to toggle the coating thickness
display on/off as follows:
3. Press the UP and DOWN arrow keys to toggle the coating
option on/off.
Multi Mode Key Pressed (PECT & CT)
1. Press the MULTI MODE key located
on bottom left of the keypad to dis
play the MEASURE MODE options
2. Press the UP and DOWN arrow keys
to highlight the COATING ON
menu option.
3. Press the ENTER key to enable the
coating option, or ESC to cancel
changing the measure mode, and
return to the main measurement
Measure Mode (Tabbed Menus) –
1. Press the MENU key once to activate
the menu items tab. Press the MENU
key multiple times to tab right, and the
ESC key multiple times to tab left,
until the TUNE menu is highlighted
and displaying the submenu items.
2. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys
to scroll through the sub menu items
until MEASURE MODE is highlighted.
3. Press the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to scroll the modes.
4. When the correct MODE is being displayed, press the MEAS key to return to the
measurement screen and begin taking readings.
Applied to
Not Applied to
Applied to
Not Applied to