Checkline TI-CMX User Manual

Page 14

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DEFAULT SETUP: Loads a basic default setup. Use only as a last resort when the
setups in the TI-CMX have been corrupted and a computer is not accessible. Refer to
section 11.4 for further info.

LANGUAGE: Provides the user the ability to select different languages for the
TI-CMX. Refer to section 11.4 for further info.

3.7 UTIL (utilities) – Menu

SCAN MODE: This function enables a hi speed scan mode
that increases the overall sample rate from 65 to 200 meas-
urements per second, depending on the current measure-
ment mode used. Refer to section 10.2 for further info.

ALARM: Toggles alarm mode on, off, or audible. Refer to
section 10.3 for further info.

ALARM HIGH: Gives the user the ability to set the HI
limit parameter. If the measurement exceeds this value, a
red light will illuminate and sound the internal beeper.
Refer to section 10.1 for further info.

ALARM LOW: Gives the user the ability to set the LO limit parameter. If the measure-
ment falls below this value, a red light will illuminate and sound the internal beeper.
Refer to section 11.4 for further info.

DIFFERENTIAL: Gives the user the ability to set a nominal value and the TI-CMX
will display ± the difference from the nominal value entered. Refer to section 10.2 for
further info.

3.8 XFER (transfer) – Menu

BACKUP SETUPS: Enables the user the ability to backup
the setups currently stored in the TI-CMX to a PC via
RS232 port. Refer the help section of the TI-CMX
Datacomm software for a complete electronic manual.

RESTORE SETUPS: Enables the user the ability to restore the setups currently saved
on a PC to an TI-CMX via RS232 port. Refer the help section of the TI-CMX
Datacomm software for a complete electronic manual.

ABOUT: Provides the user with Dakota Ultrasonics contact information and the TI-
CMX software version. Refer the Dakota Ultrasonics web site for information on the lat-
est firmware versions available for download.

3.9 CLR (clear) Key

The CLR key is used to backspace when entering alpha characters in various
save/name modes.

3.10 MEAS (measurement mode) Key

The MEAS key puts the TI-CMX into it’s primary mode of operation.
In this mode, the user has a complete view of the LCD.



10.1 High Speed Scan

The High Speed Scan feature of the TI-CMX increases the overall repetition rate to a
maximum of 140Hz with a high speed screen refresh rate of 25 times a second. This

feature enables a user to make scanned passes over an arbitrary length of the test mate-

rial, while still maintaining a reasonable representation of thickness over the scanned
area or region. This feature can be used in conjunction with High and Low alarm limits
to dynamically keep track of both values. The feature is typically used to provide a bet-
ter representation of the area scanned, by taking more readings at a faster rate repetition

The procedure to use the SCAN MODE feature is outlined below:

Using the Scan Mode

1. Press the MENU key once to activate the menu items tab.

Press the MENU key multiple times to tab right and the ESC
key multiple times to tab left until the UTIL menu is highlighted
and displaying the submenu items.

2. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the sub

menu items until SCAN MODE is highlighted.

3. Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to toggle the

SCAN MODE on/off.

4. Press the MEAS key to return to the measurement screen.

10.2 Alarm Mode

The Alarm Mode feature of the TI-CMX provides the user with a method of setting tol-
erances, or limits, for a particular application requirement. This feature may be used for
a variety of applications to verify the material is within the manufacturer specifications.
There are two limits, or alarm values, that can be setup in the TI-CMX – ALARM LOW
and ALARM HIGH limits. However, the user may choose to activate and utilize only
one of the limit values, depending on their specific application requirements. The proce-
dures to use the ALARM MODE feature are outlined below:

Toggle Alarm (on/off)

1. Press the MENU key once to activate the menu items tab.

Press the MENU key multiple times to tab right, and the
ESC key multiple times to tab left, until the UTIL menu is
highlighted and displaying the submenu items.

2. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the

sub menu items until ALARM is highlighted.

3. Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to toggle the

ALARM on/off/audible.

4. Continue on to the next section “Setting the Alarm Low

