Attack time (attack): 1 — 40 milliseconds, Release time (release): 10 — 2,000 milliseconds, Threshold level (threshold): -48 — -6 db – Yamaha GEP50 User Manual

Page 20: Compression ratio (ratio): 1 — 20, Detect delay (det. dly): -50 — +50 milliseconds, Delay time (dela y): 0.1 — 400 milliseconds

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45. Compressor

This extremely versatile compressor program allows creation of

a wide range of compression and limiting effects. It can simply

be used to reduce the dynamic range of a signal, to smooth put

the sound of an electric bass or add sustain to an electric

guitar. It can help to reduce volume fluctuations as a vocalist

moves closer to or away from a microphone, or limit the

maximum level of a signal to prevent overloading certain types

of amplification or recording equipment.

Attack Time (ATTACK): 1 — 40 milliseconds

Determines how long it takes for full compression to be

reached after the effect is triggered (i.e. the THRESHOLD

level is exceeded). The right ATTACK setting is essential to

preserve the natural initial attack sound of the instrument

used -- or modify it as desired.

Release Time (RELEASE): 10 — 2,000 milliseconds

Determines how long it takes for compression to be released
after the input signal drops below the THRESHOLD level.

The RELEASE setting is important to preserve the natural

release sound of the instrument used. Too short a RE­

LEASE setting will cause the sound to be cut off unnatu­


Threshold Level (THRESHOLD): -48 — -6 dB

Determines the level of the input signal at which the com­
pression effect begins. Set at a low level (-48 dB) all input

signals will be compressed. At a higher level, only those

signals exceeding the THRESHOLD level will be com­

pressed, thus producing a limiting effect. The THRESHOLD

level must be set to match the level and characteristics of

the instrument being used, as well as the desired effect.

Compression Ratio (RATIO): 1 — 20

This parameter sets the "amount" of compression applied to

the input signal. A setting of 1.0 produces no compression,

while a setting of 20 produces maximum compression.

Detect Delay (DET. DLY): -50 — +50 milliseconds

This parameter sets an initial delay between the time the

input signal begins (the time the THRESHOLD level is

exceeded) and the time the compression effect begins. This

delay can be used to allow the initial attack of an instrument

to come through completely unaffected while the rest of the

signal is compressed. A minus DET DLY setting causes the

compressed sound to appear before the direct instrument


Delay Time (DELA Y): 0.1 — 400 milliseconds

Determines the time delay between the direct sound and the

compressed effect sound.