The balance and output level parameters – Yamaha GEP50 User Manual

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Since all of the GEP50 effects have the same BALANCE and

OUT LVL (Output Level) parameters, we’ll describe them here

and leave them out of the descriptions of each effect that

follow. BALANCE and OUT LVL are normally the last two para­

meters called in an effect’s parameter list.

Effect/Direct Signal Balance (BALANCE): 0


This parameter adjusts the balance between the direct sound

of your instrument (or other source) and the effect signal. At

100% only the effect sound is delivered from the GEP50

outputs, while at 0% only the direct sound is output. At a

setting of 50%, the direct and effect sounds are output in

approximately equal proportions.

Effect Output Level (OUT LVL): 0 — 100%

This parameter sets the output level of the effect. This is

particularly handy for matching the levels between effects

when setting up an effect sequence for a live performance.

The distortion programs are capabie of producing an extremeiy

broad range of distortion sounds that are ideai for virtuaiiy aii

guitar styles. The various presets provide a range of immedi­

ately useful distortion sounds.

Midrange EQ Frequency (MID FRO): 500

4,000 Hz

Sets the mid-frequency range to be boosted or cut using the

next parameter; MID GAIN.

Midrange EQ Gain (MID GAIN): -12 — +12 dB

Boosts or cuts response in the frequency range set by the

MID FRQ parameter (above). A setting of 0 produces no

boost or cut. Minus settings (e.g: -6 dB) cut response in the

selected frequency range, while plus settings (e.g: +12 dB)
boost response.

Bass Boost/Cut (BASS): -12

+12 dB

Permits boosting or cutting the low-frequency range. Minus

settings (e.g: -6 dB) reduce the low-frequency content of the

sound, while plus settings (e.g: +6 dB) emphasize the low-


Trigger Level (TRG. LEVEL): 1 — 100

Determines the amplitude of the input signal required to

trigger the distortion effect. This parameter, in conjunction

with the RELEASE parameter below, functions effectively as

a noise gate to cut- out hiss and noise when an input signal

is not present. TRG LEVEL should be set so that the effect

is activated only when a note is played on the instrument


Release Time (RELEASE): 5

32000 milliseconds

Determines the amount of time it takes for the distortion

gate to close after the input signal drops below the trigger

level. Proper setting of the RELEASE parameter is essential

to allow a natural decay of the source instrument sound.

Distortion (DISTORTION): 0 — 100%

This parameter sets the "degree” of distortion produced. A

setting of 0 produces a perfectly clean sound, while a setting

of 100 produces the most heavily distorted sound.

Treble Boost/Cut (TREBLE): -12 —+12 dB

Permits boosting or cutting the high-frequency range. Minus

settings (e.g: -6 dB) reduce the high-frequency content of the

sound, while plus settings (e.g: +6 dB) emphasize the high-
