Loopback diagnostics – CANOGA PERKINS 9145 Network Interface Device User Manual
Page 88

9145 Network Interface Device
A good connection appears similar to this with all requests returned:
Pinging with 64 bytes.
Reply from Seq #0 time = 63.496 ms TTL=47
. . .
Reply from Seq #5 time = 63.120 ms TTL=48
6 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, %0.000 packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 63.120/65.862/75.810 ms
Press any key to continue.
A faulty connection can appear similar to this with one or more requests timed out:
Reply from Seq #4 time <70 ms TTL=47
Request timed out
Request timed out
Reply from Seq #12 time <70 ms TTL=47
Reply from Seq #13 time <70 ms TTL=48
14 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, %28.571 packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max < 70.000/71.000/80.000 ms
Press any key to continue.
4. To terminate the PING test, press
Loopback Diagnostics
Use Loopbacks to diagnose a fault on the optical link. The 9145 supports four loopback
modes that you can set at the local site for both the Local and Remote 9145s. These
modes loop the data through either the physical layer (PHY) on the User side or the FPGA
when looping to the remote user link, or the FPGA when looping to the local user link.
• Local-Local Mode
Local-Local Mode loops data received on the local User Port Rx through the FPGA to
the User Port Tx. Data is not sent out the Extension Port Tx and incoming data on the
Extension Port Rx is ignored. See Figure 20. To set this mode, set the Loopback State
for the Local Module to Local.
Figure 20 - Local-Local Loopback Mode