CANOGA PERKINS 9145 Network Interface Device User Manual
Page 105

9145 Network Interface Device
Layer 2 Statistics, 3-54
Link Status, 3-47
P-Bit Translation Tables, 3-51
PING Generation, 4-7
Port Information, 3-47
Radius Client Configuration, 3-37
RMON Group 1 Statistics, 3-56
Security Configuration screen, 3-31
Set Date and Time, 3-20, 3-21
SNTP Client Configuration, 3-20
Software Upgrade, 3-27
Static ARP Table, 3-58
System Alarms, 4-4
System Configuration, 3-22
System Information, 3-18
System Log, 3-26
Trap Configuration, 3-24
Trap Notification/Destination Table, 3-40
User Accounts, 3-33
VLAN Rules, 3-48
VLAN Translation Table, 3-50
screen navigation, 3-3
general parameters, 3-31
lockout, 3-32
options and descriptions, 1-2
password characteristics, 3-31
Radius, 3-37
SNMPv3 parameters, 3-42
Security Configuration screen, 3-31
SLIP/PPP baud rate, 3-23
software configuration to default, 4-4
VT100 baud rate, 3-23
Set Date and Time screen, 3-20, 3-21
set up
ports, 3-45
terminal connection, 3-1
VLANs, 3-48
SLIP/PPP baud rate, 3-23
v3 parameters, 3-42
SNTP Client Configuration screen, 3-20
SNTP date and time, 3-20
software update, 3-27
Software Upgrade screen, 3-27
Static ARP Table screen, 3-58
System Alarms screen, 4-4
System Configuration screen, 3-22
system date and time, 3-20
System Information screen, 3-18
System Log screen, 3-26
time and date, 3-20
Trap Configuration screen, 3-24
Trap Notification/Destination Table screen,
and Latency/Jitter, 4-5
and Loopback, 4-8
and PING, 4-7
and system alarms, 4-4
User Accounts screen, 3-33
VLAN Translation Table screen, 3-50
VLANs, set up, 3-48
VT100 baud rate, 3-23