Set up the vt100 and slip/ppp baud rates – CANOGA PERKINS 9145 Network Interface Device User Manual
Page 43

9145 Network Interface Device
5. Management VLAN Number
When Management VLAN is Enabled, sets VLAN Tag ID
6. SLIP/PPP IP Address
Sets the IP Address for SLIP/PPP access. Address does not need to be configured
if SLIP/PPP is not used.
7. Serial Port Config
Sets the session type supported by the RS-232 Serial Port: selections are VT100 or
8. Telnet Security
Enables or disables checking if Telnet host is listed in the host table. Default is
disabled, which allows access to all hosts
3. To return to the Main Menu, press
Set Up the VT100 and SLIP/PPP Baud Rates
Although the default values for the communication parameters meet requirements for most
systems, you made need to update them for a particular situation. To update the baud rate,
follow these steps:
1. At the Main Menu, type [
], "Utilities," and press
2. To change the baud rate for VT-100 sessions, type [
], "VT100 Baud Rate," and press
19200 bps.
3. To change the baud rate for SLIP/PPP sessions, type [
], "SLIP/PPP Baud Rate," and
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200 bps.
4. To return to the Main Menu, press
Canoga Perkins Corp. Ethernet Network Interface Device 04-Dec-2006
Model 9145-5 V96.05 F96 9145 DC_172.16.142.225 07:33:23
1) Set Date and Time
2) Reset Configuration To Default
3) Change Password
4) VT100 Baud Rate 9600
5) Slip/PPP Baud Rate 19200
6) PING Generation
7) Static ARP Table
Use 'SPACE' to change the configuration, 'Enter' to validate