CANOGA PERKINS 9145 Network Interface Device User Manual
Page 34

9145 Network Interface Device
## The following must be modified to = "Yes" if the specified items
## are to be configured, otherwise the config items will be ignored.
ConfigureIPAddress = No
ConfigureSBMC = No
ConfigureInterface = No
• ConfigureIPAddress specifies whether the 9145 will adopt or ignore the following
configuration file parameters:
Slip/PPP IPAddress
The default setting for ConfigureIPAddress is “No”, which indicates that the values
for each of the above parameters will be ignored.
ConfigureSBMC specifies whether the 9145 will adopt or ignore the SBMC Flag
parameter. The default is set to “No”, which indicates that the value is ignored.
ConfigureInterface specifies whether the 9145 will adopt or ignore the following
physical port setup parameters:
The default is set to “No”, which indicates that the value is ignored.
Configuration File Access Privileges
A configuration file is an English-readable file that is not locked or protected; therefore, anyone
can edit this file. To ensure that an unauthorized person does not download a configuration file
to a 9145 in order to change settings that particular user did not have rights to, only those users
with Supervisor access will be allowed to download configuration files to the 9145.
Even though Operators are not allowed to download configuration files, they ARE allowed to
upload configuration files from a 9145.
Only observers are NOT allowed to upload or download configuration files.
Note: See the Setting Up User Accounts section for more information on User Privilege Levels