Manual-9 – Rane SR 3 User Manual
Page 9

Working with SR 3 Bitmaps and Pages
Creating Bitmaps
Bitmaps can be created using any third party graphics program, such as
Microsoft Paint™ or Adobe Photoshop™. To get started, a number of useful
images are installed in the Program Files\Rane Corporation\SR\Bitmap direc-
Images must be monochrome (1-bit), 98 pixels wide x 64 pixels high. It is
possible to concatenate multiple images together to form a single, larger im-
age. The concatenated image must be 98 pixels wide by (N * 64) pixels high,
where N is the number of Pages (max 17, including Title Page).
Inserting Bitmaps Into Pages
To insert a bitmap into a Page:
1. Left-click to select the Page to be updated. The selected Page is highlighted.
2. Choose Insert Bitmap (CTRL + F) from the Edit menu.
- or -
Click on the Insert Bitmap icon on the SR 3 Bar.
- or -
Right-click on the Page and choose Insert Bitmap.
3. Browse and select the file (.bmp extension) to be inserted.
Bitmaps can also be inserted or moved using standard Windows clipboard
Cut, Copy and Paste operations:
Copy (CTRL - C) -
Copies the selected Page bitmap(s) to the Windows
clipboard. These bitmaps can then be pasted back into the SR Configuration,
or to a graphics program for editing.
Paste (CTRL - V) -
Pastes the current contents of the Windows clipboard
to the selected Page(s).
Copy and Paste operations support multiple Page selections. If a Copy
operation is performed while multiple Pages are selected, a single bitmap is
sent to the clipboard as a concatenation of the individually selected bitmaps in
the order they appear from top to bottom in the Page list.
If a Paste operation is performed with a bitmap containing more than one
Page, the Pages in the bitmap are inserted into the Page list one at a time in
order from top to bottom within the selected Pages.
If the number of images in the clipboard doesn’t match the number of se-
lected Pages, the Paste operation matches the first image in the clipboard with
the top-most selected item, continuing in this fashion until either all images
in the clipboard are used or the last selected Page is reached.