Rane SRM 66 User Manual
Srm 66, Operators manual, Manual-1

SRM 66
Before complaining about having to install the SRM 66 in the rack twice (because you forgot to set the internal
highpass filters ahead of time), take note that the very first (non-joke) line in this manual is: Before installing the SRM 66
in a rack, be sure the internally switchable 80 Hertz highpass filters are set as desired. They are shipped with the filters in
the OUT (disabled) position. (See the bottom of page Manual-2 to enable these filters.) If you were smart enough to read
this much of the manual, this paragraph may already have saved you a few minutes of your life – you’re welcome. If
you’ve learned the hard way, hopefully you’ve learned an important lesson – read at least the first line in the manual first.
Make all connections with the power and amplifiers off. The SRM 66 is fully balanced and equipped with removable 5-
position Euroblock connectors. Inputs and Outputs are arranged on Euroblocks in pairs, i.e., 1&2, 3&4, 5&6.
Be sure the FP LOCK switch (on rear) is in the out position to enable programming from the front panel.
Apply power so the PWR LED lights and LCD screen glows with the SRM 66 welcome marquee. During initialization,
the startup muting circuit immediately starts counting down from 40 in the Limiter Gain Reduction area of the display.
Adjust the VIEWING ANGLE with a miniature screwdriver if necessary.
With signal applied to the Inputs, watch the MIX INPUT HEADROOM indicators. These verify correct setting of the
Output of the previous device and the rear panel Input GAIN switches. Adjust so that 4 dB lights during peaks.
Navigating the LCD Edit pages is simple. The top buttons marked << and >> are the left/right Page scroll buttons.
These navigate to Output pages 1 through 6, the assign Outputs to Output Group page, the assign Remote to Group page,
the assign Group to Master Remote page, the Group Levels page, and the Memory page.
The bottom buttons marked < and > are the left/right cursor buttons. These select the (underlined) parameter to edit.
Rotating the DATA knob changes the parameter setting.
Let’s start by navigating to Output 1’s page. Move the cursor under
IN1. With a signal driving Input 1 and a working
amplifier connected to Output 1, adjust the DATA knob to the desired level. Adjust any other Input going to Output 1. MST
controls the Master level of Output 1. LIM sets the Limit Threshold of the Limiter circuit for Output 1.
To Copy settings from Output 1 to any other Output, move the cursor to Copy. Press the EXE button. The display now
reads Paste. Change the page to the one you want these same settings in, and press EXE again. The settings have now
been pasted into the new Output.
Settings may be Stored and Recalled in the Memory Page. To Store, select the Store field, select a Memory number
with the DATA wheel and press EXE. To Recall, select the Recall field, select a Memory number with the DATA wheel
and press EXE. Look deeper into this manual for information on remote control of Memories, level adjustments and, the
most powerful feature of the SRM 66, Output Groups which “link” Output levels. A Master Remote feature allows control-
ling the level of any Output Groups assigned to it.
To maintain signal control over the specified dynamic range, the Master output should be turned off when no inputs are
routed to a given output.
CAUTION: Never connect anything except an approved Rane Power Supply to the thing that looks like a red tele-
phone jack on the rear of the SRM 66. This is an 18 VAC center tapped power input. Consult the Rane factory for a
replacement or substitute.
Balanced Operation
Connect the ‘+’ to ‘+’, ‘–’ to ‘–’, and shield to shield. Use
only when driving from a true balanced source and driving to
a true balanced destination — either transformer coupled or
active drive.
Unbalanced Operation
To avoid nasty side effects such as hum and noise – which
are consequences of unbalanced operation – keep cable
lengths as short as possible. For lengths longer than ten feet,
use a transformer such as a Rane BB 44x.
Coming from an unbalanced source, the SRM 66’s Input
uses two conductors plus a shield; connect ‘+’ to ‘+’, the
unbalanced source ground to ‘–’, and the cable shield to the
SRM 66’s ground.
Going to an unbalanced device using a single conductor
plus a shield, connect ‘+’ to ‘+’, leave ‘–’ unconnected and
connect the cable shields at both ends to ground.
Combination Operation
For combined balanced and unbalanced operation, use
whichever half of the above instructions apply for each end.
See the “Sound System Interconnection” RaneNote included
with this manual for more information on cabling and
grounding requirements.
WEAR PARTS: This product contains no wear parts.