Manual-29 – Rane SR 3 User Manual
Page 29

Display ROM based Bitmap
Displays the specified read-only bitmap. See Appendix B for room combining images.
Send: BMP,n1
Where: n1 is the bitmap index. Bitmap image 0 is the Rane
splash screen and bitmap images 1-17 are the default
images used to initialize pages 0-16. Bitmap images 18
to 41 are the room combining images.
Example: BMP,1 transfers the ROM based image 1 to the LCD.
Response: "OK"
Clear Screen
Clears the LCD image data and resets the cursor position to (0, 0).
Send: CLS
Response: "OK"
Clear Line
Clears the LCD image data on the specified line.
Send: CLL,n1
Where: n1 is the line number to be cleared. n1 ranges from 0 to 7.
Line 0 is the bottom line.
Example: CLL,1 clears the second line from the bottom.
Response: "OK"
Reverse Line
Reverses the LCD black/white image data on the specified line.
Send: RVL,n1
Where: n1 is the line number to be reversed. n1 ranges from 0 to 7.
Line 0 is the bottom line.
Example: RVL,0 reverses the black/white image data of the
Response: "OK"
Select Font
Selects the font used by string commands. Small fonts are one line tall, medium fonts
are two lines tall, large fonts are three lines tall. Font 0 is the small alphanumeric font,
font 1 is the medium alphanumeric font, font 2 is the large alphanumeric font, font 3
is the medium symbol font, and font 4 is the large symbol font.
Send: FNT,n1
Where: n1 is the font index. n1 ranges from 0 to 4.
Example: FNT,2 selects the large alphanumeric font.
Response: "OK"