Manual-28 – Rane SR 3 User Manual

Page 28

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To read a stored parameter value:

Send: SPL,n1

Where: n1 is the stored parameter index.

Example: SPL,7 indexes the seventh parameter in the list which is

the Auto Level parameter.

Response: n1,"OK"

Where: n1 is the value of the indexed parameter.

Example: 1,"OK" means that Auto Level is enabled.

To write a stored parameter value:

Send: SPL,n1,n2

Where: n1 is the stored parameter index.

n2 is the value to be stored.

Example: SPL,7,0 sets Auto Level parameter to 0, disabling the




Response: "OK"

LCD Display Commands

Back light Off/On

Toggles the LCD back light from maximum brightness setting to minimum bright-

ness setting and vice-versa. See the Stored Parameter List section for further details on

back light configuration.

Send: BL,n1

Where: n1 is the back light flag

Example: BL,1 sets the back light brightness to the maximum

brightness specified by the back light maximum

configuration and starts the back light timer. After the

timer expires, the back light brightness fades to the

minimum brightness specified by the back light

minimum configuration and the back light flag is

cleared. BL,0 clears the back light flag and causes the

back light brightness to immediately fade to the

minimum brightness specified by the back light



Response: "OK"