Manual-38 – Rane SR 3 User Manual

Page 38

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ily defeated by the software lock. The only way to defeat the Rane splash screen

feature is by the software lock. See the ILK command in the SR 3 Command Set

section for details.

9. This parameter sets the baud rate of the device. When this parameter is changed

via a RW 485 message, the response is sent at the current baud rate, then the baud

rate is updated to the new baud rate specified by the value sent. The default setting

of 38400 is required for use with Rane controllers (i.e., RPM 88/44/22). It can

be restored by holding the encoder in during power-up for several seconds until

“COMM RESTORED” is displayed on the LCD.

10. This parameter sets the minimum time in milliseconds the remote waits after

receiving a RW 485 message before it transmits a response. It is recommended

that this value not be changed. The default setting can be restored by holding the

encoder in during power-up for several seconds until “COMM RESTORED” is

displayed on the LCD.

11. Knob Push & Turn Update on Release configures when the page index is updated

after the encoder is pushed in and turned. This parameter is ignored if parameter

4 is disabled. For example, if this parameter is not ignored and enabled (a value

of 1), the page index is updated to the last page displayed upon the release of the

encoder. Otherwise, if this parameter is not ignored and disabled, the page index is

immediately updated upon turning the encoder while it is pushed in.

12. Auto Page - Knob Bump configuration affects the result of pushing and releasing

the encoder within 2 seconds. If this parameter is enabled (a value of 1), the next

page bitmap is displayed based on the configuration of parameter 5. The page index

is updated based on the configuration of parameter 13. The configuration of this

parameter also affects the commands PS, IS, ISR, and IF. See SR 3 Command Set

section for details of how these commands are affected.

13. Knob Bump Update Timer configures when the page index is updated after

the encoder is pushed and released. This parameter is ignored if parameter 12 is

disabled. For example, if this parameter is not ignored and set to 0, the page index

is immediately updated for each bump. Another example, if this parameter is not

ignored and set to 3 the page index is updated to the last page displayed after a 3

second time out. Each bump restarts the time out period. Page index updates based

on parameter 4 and its associated parameters take priority over this timeout.

14. Auto Title Page configuration affects the display of Page 0, the user title page.

If this parameter is enabled, (a value of 1), the page 0 image is automatically

displayed after a timeout defined by parameter 15. This has no effect on the page

index. Any encoder activity displays the current page and restarts the Title Page


15. Title Page Timer configures the time interval after encoder activity stops and the

display of the title page. This parameter is ignored if parameter 14 is disabled.