Rane ECS v2 Hardware (ECB 6 and ECM 8) User Manual
Ecs hardware manual ecs v2

HW Manual-1
ECS v2
Quick Start
Typically, a complete ECS system is comprised of one
ECB 62 Base and one or more ECM 82 Mixers, with
ECS 62 Stereo Expansion Modules as required, and
usually one or more ECS 1 Echo Canceller Modules.
[Performing Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) type
teleconferencing requires an additional Digital Hybrid,
found in the Rane ECM 64 AD.] If remote diagnostics and
programming are desired, then add a Rane RPD 1
Programming & Diagnostics unit.
The ECS Operating Manuals for these units are split
into two booklets — one for ECS hardware and one for
RaneWare® software. Neither booklet includes service
information. Should any unit require repair, contact the
Rane factory. Telephone, fax and web info is on the rear
of this manual.
Since ECS is a programmable audio system, it must
first be programmed before it can pass any audio. To
simplify this process, there are four system applications in
the RaneWare Operators Manual. Before you begin, look
at these applications and choose the one that most closely
resembles your system. By loading these files into the
ECB 62, a starting template is created that enhances the
setup procedure. Each of these application files use
Memory 16 for alignment.
Most echo problems are caused by improper micro-
phone placement and gain. To achieve good echo cancel-
ler performance, the micorophones must be properly set
up, as shown on page RW Manual-19 (in the ECS
RaneWare Manual).
ECS Hardware Manual
This manual begins by explaining the options and
internal settings for each unit, since all optional accessories
must be installed and all internal jumpers set before
installation of the units into equipment racks. Next are
detailed descriptions of the front and rear panel features,
followed by detailed block diagrams and discussions, as
well as diagrams showing the signal flow making up the
critical “offsets,” or thresholds used by ECS. Then comes
instructions on Power, Audio & Data Connections, as well
as how to set each unit’s Device Address. Complete
electronic and mechanical specifications are found in the
Data Sheet.
Information on installing and running the control
software is found in the second booklet: ECS RaneWare
Operators Manual.
CUSTOMIZING ECS .................................................... 2
ECB 62 BASE ................................................................ 3
ECM 82 MIXER ............................................................ 7
ECA 1 ECHO CANCELLER MODULE ................... 10
SETTING THE DEVICE ADDRESS ........................ 13
ECB 62 Base & Security Cover
U.S. Patent 5,848,146 on all Rane ECS products
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
RaneWare is a registered trademark of Rane Corporation
ECM 82 Mixer & Security Cover
WEAR PARTS: This product contains no wear parts.