Manual-34 – Rane SR 3 User Manual
Page 34
n4 is the length of time the encoder button has been pressed. The time the button has
been pressed is in units of .01 seconds and the range is [0, 255] or 0 to 2.55 seconds.
The button timer starts at the press of the button and is reset to zero when the button
is released.
Example: 1,2,32,100,"OK" means the current level is 1, the
current page index is 2, the encoder has been pushed in
and turned clockwise, and the button has been held in
Input Suggest
Suggests new level and page index. Resets the command state byte to No Operation.
If Auto Level is enabled, the level is updated and indicated by the LED only if the
device’s level has not changed by someone turning the encoder. Otherwise, if Auto
Level is disabled, the level is updated and indicated by the LED regardless of encoder
input. If either Auto Page is enabled (“Knob Push & Turn” or “Knob Bump”), the
page index is updated and the associated bitmap is displayed only if the device’s page
index has not changed by local encoder action. Otherwise, if neither Auto Page is en-
abled, the page index is updated but the associated bitmap is not displayed, regardless
of local encoder action.
Send: IS,n1,n2
Where: n1 is the suggested new level. The level range is [0, 31].
If n1 is [0], the level remains unchanged.
n2 is the suggested new page index. The page index
range is [0, 16]. If n2 is [0], the page remains
command to force page [0].
Example: IS,3,5 suggests a new level of 3 and a new page index of
Response: n1,n2,"OK"
Where: n1 is the current level. The level range is [1, 31].
n2 is the current page index. The page index range is
[0, 16].
Example: 3,5,"OK" means the current level is 3 and the current
page index is 5. This means the suggested level and
page index were updated. A response of 10,5,"OK"
means the current level is 10 and was last changed by
someone turning the encoder and the current page
index was updated to 5.
Input Suggest Raw
Same operation as IS Input Suggest, except ISR returns the command state byte and
button time.
Send: ISR,n1,n2
Where: n1 is the suggested new level. The level range is [0, 31].
If n1 is [0], the level remains unchanged.