Manual-32 – Rane SR 3 User Manual
Page 32

Page Select
Displays the associated bitmap image on the LCD display. If either Auto Page is
enabled (“Knob Push & Turn” or “Knob Bump”), the page index is updated as well.
Page 0 is the user title page which is not accessible from encoder input. Pages 1-16 are
accessible from encoder input.
Send: PS,n1
Where: n1 is the requested page index. n1 ranges from 0 to 16.
Example: PS,3 displays the page 3 bitmap image. If either Auto
Page is enabled, the page index is updated to 3.
Response: "OK"
Page Write
Writes the current LCD bitmap image to the indexed page memory.
Send: PW,n1
Where: n1 is the page index. n1 ranges from 0 through 16.
Example: PW,0 stores the current LCD image data to page 0 (the
Response: "OK"
Encoder Input Commands
Get/Set LED
Gets or sets the LED indicator status.
To get the LED indicator status:
Send: ILD
Response: n1,"OK"
Where: n1 is the LED status. The status range is [0, 1].
Example: 1,"OK" means that the LED is on.
To set the LED indicator status:
Send: ILD,n1
Where: n1 is the LED status. The status range is [0, 1].
Example: ILD,0 turns the LED off.
Response: "OK"
Read/Write Software Input Lock
Reads or writes the input encoder software lock byte.
The software lock is used to lock out separate encoder actions and other features. The
format of the lock byte is bit wise where bit set (1) locks the corresponding action, bit
clear (0) unlocks the corresponding action. The lock byte is volatile and is cleared to
zero on power up.
The bit definitions are as follows: bit 0 (LSB) controls the resulting action of
turning the encoder, bit 1 controls the resulting action of turning the encoder while it
is pushed in, bit 2 controls the resulting action of pushing and releasing the encoder
(bump), bit 3 controls the Auto Title Page feature, bit 4 controls the Rane splash