Manual-30 – Rane SR 3 User Manual

Page 30

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Move Cursor

Moves the cursor to (x, y) location, where x is the x-axis location ranging from 0

through 97 (one pixel width) and y is the y-axis location ranging from 0 through 7

(eight pixel height). Cursor position (0, 0) is the lower left corner of the display. For a

visual description, see Appendix A at the end of this document.

Send: MC,n1,n2

Where: n1 is x-location ranging from 0 through 97

n2 is the y-location (or line number) ranging from 0



Example: MC,8,5 moves the cursor to x-location 8 (9 pixels from

the left), y-location 5 (6 lines from the bottom).

Response: "OK"

Hex Data Read

Reads Hex Data from the LCD starting from the current cursor location and proceed-

ing left to right. Bytes are represented in two ASCII characters per byte. Since the

width is known, no commas are used for delimiting values. The format of the data

bytes is shown in Appendix A at the end of this document.

Send: XDR,n1

Where: n1 is the number of bytes to read. The range is [1, 98].

Example: XDR,4 will read four bytes of LCD data starting at the




Response: xxxx,"OK"

Where: xxxx is the ASCII Hex representation of the LCD data.

The range is [00, FF].

Example: 03693F2B,"OK" means that the four bytes requested

starting from the current cursor position and

proceeding from left to right are

03 or 0000 0011

69 or 0110 1001

3F or 0011 1111

2B or 0010 1011

For byte to pixel interpretation, see Appendix A at the end of this document.

Hex Data Send

Sends Hex Data to the LCD starting from the current cursor location and proceeding

left to right. Bytes are represented in two ASCII characters per byte. Since the width

is known, no commas are used for delimiting values. The format of the data bytes is

shown in Appendix A at the end of this document.

Send: XDS,n1,xxxx

Where: n1 is the number of bytes to send. The range is [1, 98].

xxxx is a list two ASCII character per byte

representation of the bytes to send.

Example: XDR,4,03693F2B will send four bytes of LCD data

to the display starting at the current cursor location.